Wednesday, March 30, 2011



There are articles written by former members of the Illuminati which say a good deal about the inner workings of the organization and what kind of people these are.

These persons claim that they cannot get any help from authorities because of government policies which are in place to prevent it. For instance, social workers are taught that ritual abuse does not exist, so you cannot protect your children from it. The San Diego court system has a policy of not believing it exists either.

At the same time that law enforcement has formed task forces to investigate ritual abuse and murder, the FBI has profilers who state that there are no such thing as satanic serial killers.

Most people are familiar with the children who accused their day care providers of abusing them, and that later it was found to be a hoax.

The following link has some interesting/disturbing reading from just such a person:

One of the things I found to me most disturbing was that it corroborated my long held belief that some of these people really don't even believe in the religion they are practicing, and just use it for their own purposes. After they work their way up to the upper levels, they no longer even participate in the rituals because they have people on the lower levels to do that for them.

What Is The Illuminati?

During recent years there has been a revival of interest in the secret society known as the Illuminati. Dan Brown's book Angels and Demons is partly responsible for this. A general interest in hidden knowledge has also been sparked by the upcoming year 2012, which has been frequently pinpointed by prophets and the Mayan calendar as being the time the world will end.

One of the secret groups which supposedly had knowledge not available to everyone else is the Illuminati. The society has been of particular interest to “conspiracy theorists” for hundreds of years. Conspiracy buffs believe that their members are the puppet masters who control the strings from behind the scenes. They are believed to control the elections and revolutions that occur all over the world. Big business and the stock market are also believed to be controlled by this secret fraternity. There have been many groups who have called themselves the Illuminati over the years. Illuminism as a philosophy is not the same as the group that formed in Bavaria in 1776 and called itself the Illuminati. Before this, there had been the Alumbrados of Spain, which were a mystical group of reformed Jesuits and Franciscans. Alumbrados means illuminated in English. This group practiced during the 15th and 16th century. They fell victim to the Inquisition and it's founder Adam Weishaupt was exiled from Germany. The French Illumines of Avignon, which formed in 1770, was also known as the Academy of True Masons.

During the recent decades, events have occurred on the world stage which do not appear to be unrelated and conspiracy theorists are quick to point out what they see as connections between them as proof that an elite group of individuals is controlling our lives. For instance, they ask how an event such as the 9/11 World Trade Center Attack could have happened without the intelligence and law enforcement agencies having some advance knowledge of it. And indeed there were people who have made statements to the press saying that they warned those in power long before the attack and were ignored.

You only have to have a mind capable of reasoning to see that our media is being controlled by someone. What should be a big story in the news might show up on the back pages of your local newspaper and will most likely not even be covered on the evening news, but some actor being seen in a compromising position will make headlines. It is not too difficult to believe that how we think and believe is being manipulated. During World War II, if a newspaper printed something the government didn't approve of, they shut the paper down. So, in a country that preaches freedom of press, the reality is quite different.

Even when there is something in the media or on television about these conspiracy groups, there is obviously an effort to debunk any conspiracy theory and to relegate those who believe in them to the category of “crack pot”.

I won't attempt to convince you that these groups do exist, or that they do not. I only ask that you entertain the idea that it is possible. If you were rich and powerful, would you not want to be even more rich and powerful? Would you not take advantage of the opportunities presented to you? Would you use government contacts and the media to further your ends, if there were no personal consequences for doing so? If you came into contact with other like minded individuals who came from similar circumstances, would you have any problem with making agreements with them to do things that were mutually beneficial to you? If you made such decisions, wouldn't these plans be more successful if they were kept secret? It is human nature to want to believe that you are different and more special than everyone else and to be drawn to associate with others who think you are too.

The Bavarian Illuminati was formed by Adam Weishaupt. He was born 1748 in Ingolstadt, Germany. He was educated by Jesuits and became a professor of Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt in 1775. His views were radical and the clergy were offended by them. He began meeting in secret with other men to discuss his philosophy and views. This was to become the Bavarian Illuminati, which he and a German Freemason named Baron Adolph von Knigge founded May 1, 1776.

Their goals were subversive. They planned to overthrow the Roman Catholic Church, defeat all governments, and rule the world. Their ranks swelled from five members to over 2,500 members. Part of these members were also Masons.

Adam Weishaupt, himself, must have been an extremely immoral person. In the Code of the Illuminati, by Abbe Augustin Barruel, some of his personal letters are quoted. He wrote that he had gotten his brother's widow pregnant, which was considered incest. Then the couple tried to abort the fetus.

So, now you might be saying to yourself, “O.K., if there is an Illuminati or any other secret society, how does this effect me and why should I care?' The answer to that is, these societies are said to feel that things like Christianity and religion in general are holding mankind back and the feel that our Constitution as it was created by the Founding Fathers is flawed, with the concepts of private property and personal freedom, and needs to be abolished. They believe that if you disagree with their opinions that you should be eliminated and in accordance with their opinion that they are special, they believe they have the right to make these decisions for us and to make sure their plans are carried out. Weishaupt's Illuminati was organized into small groups or cells. They worked together but did not know who the members of the other cells were or who their leaders were. Weishaupt's plan was for these cells to spread around the world and infiltrate goverments and gain control of them. There is a good deal of evidence that the United States was infiltrated by these people. Even George Washington believed it to be fact.

A man named John Robison, who was a Scottish Mason wrote a book in 1789 called Proofs of a Conspiracy. He claimed to have declined to join the Illuminati. He wrote, “An association has been formed for the express purposes of rooting out all the religious establishements and overturning all existing goverments.”

You might ask yourself how does the symbolism of the Illuminati figure into this greater plan? Symbols are as much a part of the human mind as the written word is. Anthropologists believe we had to develop the ability to speak and before we could speak, we communicated with symbols and signs. As long as mankind has been telling stories, we have been using fables and allegories in order to convey a greater understanding of what we are trying to say. In many cases, symbols are used to plant ideas into the minds of those being addressed without overtly saying what it is that we really mean.

Knowledge is power. If you control who has it, then you have the power. Think of tribal cultures in which the shaman is nearly as powerful as the chief and in some instances more so. He maintains his power by controlling who he shares the knowledge of medicine, magic and how to talk to the gods with. He gets by with this by telling the other members of the tribe that the knowledge is too difficult for the average mind to grasp. A large degree of the power weilded by the Catholic Church was maintained by telling Christians that they needed the priests to explain the Bible and Jesus' teachings to them.

During ancient times cultures such as the Egyptians and the Greeks contained groups of people who were knowlegeable on subjects such as medicine, science, and those who made new discoveries tended to keep these discoveries to themselves in order to maintain their power and status. This knowledge was controlled by so called “Mystery schools.” The men who made up these Mystery schools were usually the best and brightest. And unlike in modern times, they did not separate spiritual knowledge from scientific knowledge.

The name Illuminati is itself symbolic. It is Latin for Illuminated ones and conveys the idea of knowledge as light or being enlightened. The concept behind this is Luciferianism.

In Christian or Biblical teachings, Lucifer was one of God's angels. His name meant “light bearer.” When he rebelled against God, he and about 1/3 of the other angels were kicked out of heaven. After this point, he was known as Satan.

Satanists and Luciferians believe that he is the source of knowledge and wisdom, and is therefore good. A basic tenet of Christianity is that Jesus is the light of the world, but Luciferians believe that Lucifer is. The name Satan, means adversary, because he is the enemy of God.

Luciferians prefer the name Lucifer, because he is believed to have given the hidden knowledge that God did not want man to have. And they believe that God wanted to keep this knowledge in order to oppress mankind, making God evil.

In both Christianity and Luciferianism, and also many other religions, light is symbolic of love, knowledge and wisdom. In Christianity is symbolises good and darkness is symbolic of evil. Christianity differs from Luciferianism in that Christianity is very open in it's teachings and message and it is available to everyone regardless of race, sex or social status. Luciferianism keeps it's knowledge and teachings secret. Luciferianism is considered occult. Occult means, “hidden.” Christians believe that mankind can be saved by believing in Christ. Luciferianism teaches that you are saved by learning this hidden knowledge. While you might not consider the idea of being saved by knowledge inherently evil, I consider the idea of having something that might benefit mankind as a whole and keeping it to oneself evil. Not only do they do this, they use it to take advantage of others. They lie by means of propoganda, and disinformation in order to keep this knowledge to themselves.

Conspiracy theorists believe that our government has been using Illuminati symbols to communicate with one another since the very founding of our country and that they use these symbols to indoctrinate us with the ideas they wish us to have. They do this by telling us they mean things other than their true meaning. The average American considers the eagle and the 13 stars and stripes to be “patriotic.” So therefore we have a positive emotional response to seeing them. At some point in the future, when the powers that be begin telling us that they represent other things than we have always been told, i.e. things associated with a New World Order, we will still have the emotional response to them ingrained in our psyche. This in turn will use our emotion to manipulate us into accepting ideas we might otherwise balk at. Let us take a look at some of these symbols.

The pyramid is said to by symbolic of the pagan temple of Lucifer worship. The words 'Novus Ordo Seclorum' on the dollar bill can be translated into 'New World Order'. The eye or Horus or 'all seeing eye' above the pyramid is believed by many to represent the eye of Lucifer.

Numbers figure heavily into Illuminati doctrines. The number 13 is significant to them. The number 13 is repeated several times on the dollar bill. There are 13 layers to the pyramid. Almost everyone knows that Satanic occultist use the number 13. Ancient cultures believed 13 was a number which signified bad omens, such as Friday 13th.

The number 11 is also important to the Illuminati. Those who indulge in occult practices use numbers in the form of dates and years to pick the best time for an important event to occur or to be made to occur. The attack on the World Trade Center happened on 9/11---9+1+1=11. If you want to report something life threatening, call 911. The Twin Towers were shaped like an 11. In Greek mythology, the 11th Labor of Hercules was to hold up Twin Pillars. The airplane that hit the Towers was Flight 11. It had 92 passengers. 9+2=11. September 11 is the 254th day of the year. 2+5+4=11.

Other numbers of significance to the Illuminati are 3,7, 18, 28, 33, 39, 77 and 666 or any multiple of these numbers. But many Christian and Jewish people believe in sacred numbers as well. There is some evidence that our DNA and our physical makeup is as a result of these numbers. We have 11 true ribs on each side, the lower ones being cartilage. There are 22 bones in your head. You have 33 vertebrae.

There is also a bald eagle on the dollar bill. It is believed to actually be a Phoenix. The Illuminati use it to symbolise the fact that no matter how many times their organization has been almost eliminated, they always rise from the ashes.

Illuminati members also hold the pentagram sacred. The Texaco Oil Company has as it's corporate logo, a pentagram within a circle. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft says that pentacles are pentagrams with circles drawn around the outside of them and that pentagrams symbolise protection from evil. Pentagrams are also known at the Blazing Star. They symbolise intellectual omnipotence and autocracy. It depends on which direction its points are pointing whether or not it stands for order or chaos. If there are two points at the top, it represents Satan,when there is one point at the top it represents Christ. The points represent the four limbs and the head of the human body. This is why having one point downwards represents a demon, because it shows intellectual subversion, disorder or madness. The points can also represent, earth, air, water, fire and the spirit. A circle around the outside represents the Circle of Time. The ending and beginning being one and the same.

Even some of our national landmarks are said to have Illuminati symbolism incorporated within them. The Statue of Liberty is supposedly a modern embodiment of the pagan goddess Ishtar, which is called in other cultures, Isis, Juno or Liberteria. There is also a statue of Prometheus at the entrance of Rockefeller Plaza in New York. The Rockefellers are often pointed out as belonging to many of the secret societies. Prometheus has been used by revolutionaries and others as their symbol because Prometheus stole fire from the gods to give to mankind. You can see that this is similar to the idea that Lucifer gave enlightenment or knowledge to mankind. So, it could be argued that Prometheus is Lucifer by another name. The Washington Monument is an obelisk in the Egyptian style. The Egyptians believed that the upright part of the obelisk represent the male and that the base represented the female. Together they represent a penis uniting with a vagina, harmony between opposities, good and evil, East and West.

Those who believe in the existance of the Illuminati, believe that it is connected to other organizations such as the Scottish Rite Masons. The number 32 is significant to the Masons. There are 32 Degrees of Masonry, with a 33rd Degree which some Masons say doesn't exist and others say only exists for some on the national level of the organization. The eagle on the dollar bill has 32 feathers on one wing and 33 on the other. The stars above the eagle's head form a hexagram, which is an occult symbol for the seven planets. Those who practice witchcraft and Satanism use it.

The hexagram and the pyramid both have triangles. In witchcraft and Satanism it occurs as a double triangle, the Seal of Solomon, the hexagram. The Jewish Magen David is also made up of two triangles. The triangle that points up is representative of the flesh or material matter and the male generative act; the other triangle, which points downward, symbolises female sexuality and the integrated. Together they indicate sexual union, the reconciliation of opposites, yin and yang, Satan and God. Both pentagrams and the Magen David have a hidden 666. There are six triangles on the outside of the hexagram; there are six out points; and there are six lines that make up the design. Dr. O.J. Graham wrote a book called, The Six Pointed Star, and he stated that this symbol was never used by King David. It began to be used by Jewish priests in the Middle Ages when they were studying magic. The triangle can be traced back to Egyptian times and the worship of Isis. Some call it the geometrical God. Often the letter “G” appears in Masonic imagery and is said alternately to represent, God, geometry or the geometrical God which was symbolic of Isis. There is also a date written in Roman numerals at the base of the pyramid. Officially it stands for the date of July 4th, when the Declaration of Independence was signed. Others believe it to be the date May 1st which is when the Illuminati began. Interestingly, May 1st is a pagan holiday. Witches are initiated into covens on this date. Members of secret societies are often initiated into upper degress on this day as well.

Why are these symbols on our money? Manly P. Hall is considered by many to be one of the greatest experts on Freemasonry in the 20th century. In his book, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, pp. XC and XCI, he states, “Not only were many of the founders of the United States government Masons, but they received aid from a secret and august body existing in Europe which helped them to establish this country for a peculiar and particular purpose known only to the initiated few.” This “secret and august body” is believed to be the Illuminati. The symbol of Weishaupt's Illuminati was the pyramid, all seeing eye and the same motto found on the dollar bill.

During recent years it has become common knowledge that even George Washington was a Mason. There was a letter sent to him in 1798 warning him about a Masonic movement called the Illuminati. In his response, George Washington wrote,

It was not my intention to doubt that the doctrines of the Illuminati, the
principles of Jacobinism, had not spread into the United States. On the
contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of that fact than I am.

He then goes on to deny that the Illuminati and the Masons are one and the same, but that in some instances, some of the individual members might have been Illuminati.

The idea that I meant to convey was that I did not believe that the
lodges of Freemasonry in this country, as societes, have endeav-
ored to promulgate the diabolical tenets of the pernicious principles
of the latter, if they are susceptible to separation, but, that individuals
of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument founded,
or the instrument employed to found the democratic societies in the
United States may have had these objects in mind and actually had the
separation of the people from their government in view, is too evident
to question.

The Masonic Lodge is not the only organization with similarities to the Illuminati. The Trilateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations, the Skull and Bones Club, the Bilderberger group and others all have a common internal structure. The League of Nations, and the United Nations are said by authors on the New World Order, to be the first steps toward a one world government and those who came up with the plans are using these secret societies to scheme and plan their way towards that end. Regardless of your religious beliefs, it is important to be aware of what is going on in the world around you and to realize that events that happened long before you were born, could be having a direct effect on your destiny. To a certain degree, we can control our own destinys, if we refuse to allow others to do it for us.

Founding fathers, secret societies: Freemasons, Illuminati, Rosicrucians, and the Decoding of the Great Seal, Robert Hieronimus, Laura Cortner – 2006

New world order: the ancient plan of secret societies, William T. Still

Daniel's Key - Page 104, Lori Anne Holt – 2005

Rule by secrecy: the hidden history that connects the Trilateral Commission, The Freemasons and the Great Pyramid - Page 91, Jim Marrs – 2001

Code of the Illuminati - Page 167, Abbé Augustin Barruel

Proof of the Illuminati - Page 140, Seth Payson – 2003

Revelation of the Holy Grail - Page 140, Chevalier Emerys – 2007

New England and the Bavarian Illuminati - Page 188, Vernon Stauffer – 1911

The Gnostics and Their Remains: Ancient and Medieval - Page 393, Charles William King-1887

The Best of Times: The Worst of Times - Page 180, Gyeorgos C. Hatonn – 1993

Secret America: The Hidden Symbols, Codes and Mysteries of the United States - Page 32, Barb Karg, Susan Reynolds, Rick Sutherland – 2010

Illuminati: Healing and Developing the Mind - Page 205, Rodney St. Michael – 2002

A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America - Page 58, Michael Barkun – 2006

Ancient Philosophy of Satan, Jonathan Pentadragon

The Human Enigma - Page 77, John Merino

The Armageddon Conspiracy - Page 140, Mike Hockney – 2008

Illuminati - 2012 - Page 60, Nishan A. Kumaraperu – 2008

Tales from the time loop: the most comprehensive exposĂ© of the global conspiracy ever written and all you need to know to be truly free--, David Icke – 2003

Codex Magica: secret signs, mysterious symbols, and hidden codes of the Illuminati--, Texe Marrs - 2005

Celebrities Involved In Secret Societies?

Lately, there have been videos and articles published on the internet that say that this person or that person is involved in Illuminati conspiracy or Devil worship. I thought I might write about my observations.

The first thing to tackle right off the bat, is that there is a difference between Devil worship as the average Christian perceives it and the Illuminati.

Then I will go over why some of the symbols being used by celebrities are being pointed out as Illuminati symbols and what they mean. Some of these videos point to things like pyramids, but then don't bother to explain why that might be associated with the Illuminati.

Not being clear about what you are saying, immediately gives a slightly open mind the excuse to slam the door on your new ideas and write you off as a crackpot. It makes you look like you are just as guilty of trying to brainwash people as those you are accusing. It lacks the same foresight that many Christians fall into when they tell people that Christ died and was resurrected, without explaining that it was necessary for him to do that to make a symbolic statement that people need to give up their old ways in order to become a new person. Or that baptism is not to just wash away sin, but to symbolize rebirth, like from a watery womb, or rising from a grave. It's really not that different a concept than that of a phoenix rising from the ashes. Unfortunately, Catholicism did away with that. What exactly does having some water poured on your head or flicked on you symbolize? If you don't understand the symbolism behind something, then you are not likely to accept the concept being expressed.

I am going to show you a door and you can choose to go through it. Free your mind and the rest will follow.

Leading a man becomes an easier task when you control his mind. Almost everyone who is a product of the American public school system, has been influenced in one way or another by the policies of our government. When our government uses these techniques on other countries, such as in WWII, it is called propaganda. There were radio broadcasts, and flyers were dropped from the air on foreign countries in order to sway the people to the American way of thinking. But what people don't recall is that at home, the same thing was being carried out. If you went to see a movie, there were news reels shown before the movies that were as much to sway public opinion as they were to give the news. Everyone has heard about the subliminal messages that were in the commercials to get you to go and buy snack food at the snack bar. Our government has been experimenting on us for over 50 years.

The CIA even did experiments on brainwashing in project MK-ULTRA. Documents concerning these experiments have been declassified and witness testimony has shown that they were willing to use, LSD, sleep deprivation, sexual abuse and isolation as methods to brainwash. One of the doctors involved was Dr. Ewan Cameron. He became the first chairman of the World Psychiatric Association and president of the American and Canadian psychiatric associations. He had been a member of the Nuremberg medical tribunal after WWII. This man who sat in judgement of Nazi's for their experimentation, did things that caused permanent damage to his patients. Younger people might not believe this is possible, but there were Senate Hearings held in 1977 on this matter. An interesting aside is the fact that the Rockefeller Commission was instrumental in bringing this experimentation to light. The Rockefeller's are rumored to be involve in all kinds of conspiracy. What purpose might they have had for doing what appeared to be a good deed here. Was it a covert way of publicly bragging to their friends that the experiments were successful?

While it is possible that his original intent was to help schizophrenic patients, by erasing their memory and reprogramming them, it evolved into a method of torturing people to get information from them. Along the way, they learned a lot about how to influence us.

Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber, may have been a victim of these experiments. There were experiments being conducted at Harvard University between 1959 and 1962. He was reportedly only 16 when he began participating.

Not all of those who volunteered for LSD experiments were mental patients. There was a man named Robert Hunter who was a poet and a friend of Jerry Garcia of Grateful Dead fame. Everyone knows the
Grateful Dead are associated with LSD use. The author of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest author, Ken Kelsey, was a volunteer and he began promoting LSD use outside of the experiments.

There is a theory that Sirhan Sirhan was hypnotized to kill Robert F. Kennedy. And it has been reported that the Jonestown massacre in Guyana was the result of MK-ULTRA experiments.

Most people have heard of 'disinformation.' This is also one of the CIA's methods of controlling people.

Given that government use of mind control is a historical fact, then you cannot dismiss the idea that they are now using all forms of media to influence us; especially when you know that research into influence costs corporations billions of dollars every year just to get us to buy their brand of toilet paper or toothpaste. How can you not believe the government wouldn't use it for more serious matters?

Depending on who you ask the men who started the Illuminati in the 1700's were Masons. But from the head of the organizations own correspondence, it is clear that they joined the Masons in order to learn what they could from it and then to recruit from it's membership. That is not to say there is nothing wrong with Masonic practices. But all Masons are not Illuminati.

In it's modern form, it is believed that they are conspiring to bring about a one world or universal government. It is commonly referred to as the New World Order. The idea is to bring us all under a system in which we have one religious and ethical viewpoint. And control of the world's economic or financial systems will be centralized. Have you heard of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank?

Unfortunately, history will show that any change in government requires military force. We now have a Global Military Force in the form of U.N. Peacekeeping troops. As well as the private contractors outside of the military.

If someone opposes them, there is the International Criminal Court, in which they can be tried. But Gitmo, shows that it is unnecessary to have a trial.

In order to put this N.W.O. Into place, there would have to be a collapse of the economy. The resulting panic and disorder would give them an excuse to deploy these troops they have been organizing for some time, by declaring a State of Emergency.

But before we got to the point where we are now, where we mutely watch these things become part of our every day life, we had to be influenced. They used the press, the educational system, and careful wording of speeches by our world leaders to get us hear. We have been given a diet, spoonful by spoonful. They knew they couldn't force-feed us all at once. If you haven't noticed yourself how frequently politicians from around the world use the phrase, New World Order, then you should look it up on You can find news clips of several presidents and vice presidents as well as Russian and European politicians using it.

Remember that 'disinformation' previously mentioned. Just to make sure we don't believe they exist, they either put out information on their own or allow others to do it for them, that accuses them of Satan sacrifices, homosexual practices and pedophilia. Because those things are so over the top, many people believe that the whole package is unbelievable.

Supposed defectors from the organization have made these accusations as well as saying that it is Aryan supremacist at the top, with members speaking German at the upper levels. This too is a misunderstanding of history. The reason these people believe they are superior, is not based on skin and eye color. It is because they believe they are descendants of the Merovingian bloodline. The Merovingian kings believed they were chosen by whatever gods they believed in privately to rule over everyone else. They believed they were a hybrid species of human and godlike beings. Or maybe they just pretended to believe that in order to get others to go along with them. It is not necessary to believe you are superior, it is necessary to get others to believe it.

Have you ever noticed that during a presidential campaign, there are news stories that tell how the candidates are descended from this or that notable historic figure? It is important to these people to believe they come from a long line of chosen people. Who are some of the families who stay in power generation after generation? They come from old money, like the Rockefellers and Mellons; the Carnegie and Rothschild family are some others. There are descendants of the ruling families of the Hapsburg line and from the royal families of England and France. Lineally, they can all be traced back to King Merovec, the progenitor of the Merovingians. Within the US, it has been stated that the only two presidents that were not associated with any secret society, Masons, Skull and Bones, Illuminati, etc., were Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. They were both assassinated.

Where do the associations with Satan come from? There is a co-mingling of philosophy and religion called illuminism, or Luciferianism, because it's practitioners seek enlightenment. Another name for this is Luciferianism. But it does not mean Lucifer in the Christian understanding of the word.

The Illuminati has evolved into what it is today from ancient Mystery Schools from the Babylonian, Egyptian and Greek cultures. Within those societies, there were groups of individuals who gravitated toward one another in order to amass knowledge and understanding of the universe. Having something that everyone else has, even knowledge, can be powerful. Power then corrupts. Most likely they learned things that they decided not to share with others. Even going so far as to misinform everyone else, in order to more easily control them.

During the interim centuries, there were groups of men, such as the Knights Templar, who are believed to have come across some of this hidden knowledge. One theory is that the founders of the order all came from the Rex Deus families, which had information derived from the Essenes. These families supposedly descend from the 24 elders of the Temple of Solomon at the time of Jesus. They believe they have the 'true' teachings of Jesus and believe they are supposed to bring about a new kingdom of heaven on earth. They are supposed to have gone to Jerusalem to excavate under the ruins of the Temple of Solomon trying to find, treasure, scrolls with secret knowledge and other things, based on this inside information. They seem to have found some kind of lost knowledge, because among other things, when they returned to Europe, cathedrals began to be built, largely based upon the sacred geometry that Solomon's temple had been built with. Prior to this time, Europeans did not have quite the level of knowledge to carry off these massive building projects. They also seem to have amassed quite a fortune, which probably could not entirely be accounted for from their business transactions and the fact that their members had to turn over their possessions to them. It is obvious that sacred geometry figures highly in Rosicrucian and Masonic teachings and they claim this knowledge came from the Knights Templar.

When the order was suppressed in the Middle Ages, there is a good deal of circumstantial evidence that suggests that the monks dispersed, taking their wealth, treasures and knowledge with them. The Masons seem to have formed from the remnant of the Templar Knights, as well as other organizations.

Admittedly, it is just as possible that the Templars did not have occult secrets, but that these later organization said they did, maybe even believing it in order to attract members and to control them. Human beings have a tendency to be attracted to the idea of looking like a 'bad boy' without actually being one. While I am one of those who agrees with Mark Twain, and would not be a member of any club that would want me for a member, most people love the idea of being special and belonging.
Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati had a sort of master plan. He wanted to have one religion, one government etc. and he planned to use the schools to indoctrinate people. This was not just some crackpot. He was trained to be a Jesuit priest, but never took the robe.

The Skull and Bones Society, founder, went to Germany in about 1832 while he was at college. He must have had some contact with Illuminati members that went underground, because when he came home he founded Skull and Bones and patterned it somewhat on the Illuminati.

The Illuminati was formed in

Masonry in America was established in

Skull and Bones was formed in 1832

The Masons, Illuminati and other organizations use symbols that can have more than one meaning in order to slide ideas over on people before they realize what has happened. For instance, the sun rays shining out from behind the all seeing eye, such as that found on U.S. Currency, is a symbol for the Egyptian sun god Horus. The terminology used by the Egyptians was very similar to that we use for Jesus. They called him the son of god, and when the sun rose in the morning, he was the newly risen or resurrected son. Notice here that sun and son are being used interchangeably. People who do not believe in Christianity, point to this as evidence that Christians just copied from older religions for their ideas. The Egyptians called Horus, the risen savior, the light of the world, etc. This all seeing eye was watching over the people and was very bright, and all knowing and this is why people refer to an intelligent person as bright or brilliant.

Later, in the 1st Century B.C. Greece and Rome, there was a god called Mythras, being worshiped. This God was Indo-Iranian in origin. This god, was called Lord of Light, giver of bliss, and the victorious. Notice the similarity to Horus' titles and the reference to light also mirrors Jesus. Mythras sometimes had a feminine persona. There are American statues that represent a female America, and Liberty, which also have Mythras-like imagery on them.

Eagles are a modern adaption of all of the different sky gods, which were sometimes portrayed as eagle-men and the phoenix is sometimes modified on American symbols to represent eagles. On top of the Capital Building, stands the goddess Freedom, and she is eagle headed. We are taught to believe that eagles represent the principle of liberation/liberty, and release from bondage.

Lady Liberty looks remarkably like the Greek goddess Athena, sometimes equated with the Roman goddess Minerva, the goddess of war, wisdom, and philosophy. But we are told that she is just the personification of freedom. Minerva is shown on Thomas Jefferson's presidential coin along with an eagle and a liberty pole. The liberty poles that were used during the early years of our country, were the same as those associated with Minerva.

The ultimate goddess statue is the Statue of Liberty, who is shown enlightening the world and freeing us from darkness and fear. Masons revere Nimrod as the builder of the Tower of Babel, which was to be a stairway to heaven, and some people believe that Statue of Liberty is modeled on the tower. The French sculptor who designed her was a Mason. He originally drew her on top of a pyramid, but the American Masons who made her put her on top of a Babylonian ziggurat type structure, in honor of Nimrod. Interestingly, the Babylonians had a god which was symbolized by an all seeing eye. The Assyrians also had liberty tree or tree of life and an all seeing eye of god in their symbolism. The staircase on the inside of her looks remarkably like the next symbol on the list, the caduceus. It looks like a staff or a pole, with two intertwined snakes around it. It is now the symbol of the House of Representatives. It has an eagle on the top of it, and used to be carried around during sessions to restore order. If a member was being too disorderly, it could be held in front of him, by the sergeant at arms, in order to remind him to behave himself.

Originally, it was associated with the Egyptian god, Thot, the god of magic/alchemy and commerce and in his function of the great designer, was the supposed designer of the Great Pyramid. His Greek counterpart was Hermes and his Roman one was Mercury.

There is an all seeing eye above the pyramid on the Great Seal of the United States and on the dollar bill. Being above the pyramid leads you to believe that it's origin is Egyptian.

It was put on the currency by Franklin D. Roosevelt, after being prompted to do so by his Secretary of Agriculture, Henry A. Wallace and by a Russian mystic Nicholas Roerich, who FDR sent to Mongolia of all places looking for the secrets of Jesus, which actually means he was looking for the Holy Grail. He went under the guise of looking for drought resistant grasses. News Week Magazine reported his real purpose for being there. There is a symbol for Nehru,the center of Shambala in Mongolia, which is very similar to the all seeing eye. Nehru is also the name for the center of Atlantis.

Freemason teaching says that the all seeing eye represents the return of the Messiah. Rosicrucian imagery from the 16th century shows Jesus on top of a fiery pyramid, an obvious attempt at marrying the symbols of ancient cultures with the more modern Christianity. In a sense, they are saying that you can take an ancient pagan symbol and apply your own meaning to it, and it doesn't matter that it originally meant something else.

Thomas Jefferson is known to have been highly interested in symbols and codes and cryptography. It has never been proven whether or not he belonged to any secret society, but his interest in ancient languages is well known. Someone stole his personal papers and threw them into the James River. Among the other founding fathers, several were members of these secret societies and the influence the y had on the founding of our country must have been immense. Paul Revere, John Hancock and George Washington were among those who met at St. John's Lodge, which was founded in 1733 in Boston. George Washington has been painted in full Masonic regalia. There were statues and paintings of him as a god, and also as Moses receiving the new laws. Obvious attempts to give more credibility to him as a leader. You have to remember that not so long before that, Americans had been living under the rule of kings and queens, who maintained their rule by the idea that they were placed on their thrones by God and therefore had a divine right to rule in whatever manner they saw fit, as God's representatives on earth. This association of Washington with divinity was meant to instill faith in his leadership ability in the citizens of the new republic. Being Masons would have given the founding fathers the idea that they had a direct link with God as well. Benjamin Franklin founded and was Grand Master of a lodge in Philadelphia.

I have seen Masonic aprons with symbols all over them. Such as a female sun/angel, which represents rebirth in the stars of pure souls; a plumb line, which represents the master builder as well as 'uprightness' and truth; leveling boards, show the ability of a Mason to smooth out the rough spots of his personality; pyramids to show that the Masonic craft came from Egypt; a beehive represents the lodge; Solomon's Temple is shown with a checkerboard courtyard, showing the black and white choices a Mason has to make in life; two pillars names Joachim and Boaz, represent the duality between punishment and mercy; a five pointed star with a letter G, represents divinity; there is an ouroboros , which they say represents alchemy; there is a skull and cross bones, which was a Templar symbol; a compass represents the great architect, or God; a square represents the pursuit of the Masonry and being 'on the square' to find divine knowledge of Solomon and Hermes which makes you 'set square with God'; the tree of life and afterlife are represented by the acacia branch.

These symbols are used to impart wisdom in stages to the Mason, and be an allegory to man's mind. The secrets are supposed to be the secrets held within the subconscious of us all. The founding fathers would have seen America as a representation of all of these ideals, in effect one huge temple.

Masonic philosophy teaches that all religions hold part of the truth, but that you have to have parts of them all in order to understand true knowledge. You are supposed to study the symbols in order to learn how to improve yourself and learn to know yourself, then you become closer to divinity or heaven. This is supposed to raise you above other men.

George Washington and Ben Franklin are also believed to have been Rosicrucians. Their most widely known symbol is the rose and cross. They were supposed to be studying physics, hyper-physics and metaphysics. They had symbols like pyramids, with light coming down on them, which is likely the origin of the symbols on our currency. Rosicrucians believed that their order could be traced into antiquity. There are paintings of Leonardo Da Vincii with an angel holding what appears to be the Holy Grail, and Jacques De Molay, one of the last Templar Grand Masters. Da Vinci is wearing a head dress that looks like an ancient Babylonian head dress. The Babylonians were also the ones who worshiped the tree of life.

However ancient the origins of Rosicrucianism might be, Sir Francis Bacon was responsible for it's revival and is also credited with the founding of Free Masonry. He was supposedly initiated to the Knights Templar as a young man. He was an author, studied science, philosophy and politics, and was a member of Queen Elizabeth's court. Some even believe he may have been her son. He is also credited with being the true author of William Shakespeare's writings.

He founded the Virginia Company and he drew up the rules of government for the Virginia Colony. Our Constitution is believed to have drawn some on this charter of laws. He wrote a novel called the New Atlantis about a utopian world on North America. His ideas for an ideal society based on Atlantis, may have been the beginnings of the New World Order philosophy. Of interest is the fact that Atlantis had a capital that was a city on a hill. We have Capital Hill in Washington, D.C.

Bacon's new society would be governed by the House of Solomon, and it's king would be named Solomon. His book was published a year after he died and many of his descendants came to America to settle.

Thomas Jefferson was exposed to the ideas of the Scottish Enlightenment while he was at The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA. He was taught by lay member of the faculty named William Small. He was a professor of Natural Philosophy and Math. This Scottish Enlightenment drew heavily on the writings of John Locke and Francis Bacon, and challenged the teachings of orthodox religion.

Jefferson went on to found the University of Virginia. His purpose was to establish a school where men could learn without being hampered and influenced by religious ideas.

As I previously stated, it has not been proven that he belonged to any secret societies, but there is a good bit of evidence that he was at least learned in some of the same philosophy they taught. His home at Monticello is built with with a dome in the center. The circle within a square was used as a favorite symbol of Leonardo Da Vinci and the Masons use it to symbolize the union of heaven and earth.

Masons believe that reproducing the golden ratio found in nature will harness some sort of power within themselves.

Washington is full of buildings, statues and paintings that reveal, Masonic influence. Even the layout of the streets is supposed to have Masonic design influence. The Capital has a painting at the top of the dome with Mercury giving a bag of gold to Robert Morris, who financed the American Revolution; the god of blacksmithing and alchemy, Vulcan; America, wearing a liberty cap; Neptune, holding a trident, which harkens back to Atlantis; Benjamin Franklin is overseeing the work of a Mason, and Minerva is standing next to him as his muse; in the center is George Washington, who has been transformed into a god. This transformation into a god is a Masonic idea. They believe that through enlightenment you can become as a god or godlike.

Quite obviously, our nation was founded on ideas that while preaching separation of church and state, were actually attempting to set up a government which controlled the way we think, instead of giving us freedom of thought.

To return to the idea that modern media is being used to program us, what are some of the movies with apparent Illuminati symbols within them?

1. A Scanner Darkly (2006) Robert Downey Jr's character has on a t-shirt with an all seeing eye within a pyramid. There is a poster on the wall with the Masonic symbols of the compass and square and the 'G' in the center.
2. I have seen a scene in Hackers (1995) which shows the WTC with lights forming the words 'crash and burn'
3. The Handmaid's Tale (1990) has a couple of scenes where an all seeing eye shows up.
4. Being There (1979) has a scene with pallbearers carrying a coffin past a pyramid with an all seeing eye.
5. Aeon Flux (2005) pyramid and eye
6. Samurai Jack (2003) pyramid and eye
7. Tomb Raider (2001) pyramid and eye
8. Super Mario Brothers (1993) shows the destruction of the WTC
9. There are even episodes of South Park and the Simpsons with Masonic imagery in them.

Some of the movies that are pointed out as using Illuminati symbols are just ridiculous. For instance, The Mummy. Well of course a movie about a mummy is going to have Egyptian symbolism in it. National Treasure had all of these American symbols all over Washington, but of course it would, since the movie was about using them to find clues. The Affair of the Necklace has a member of the Illuminati as a character and so does From Hell, so of course they will have the symbols as part of the background for the story. But you could look at these and say that either way, they are still getting the symbols into our minds and culture.

Who are some of the politicians openly using the term New World Order.

1. In an eerie foreshadowing of the WTC bombing, George Bush, Sr. gave a speech on September 11, 1991 in which he referred to a New World Order.
2. Henry Kissinger
3. Bill Clinton
4. Pope John Paul II

What companies use Illuminati symbols for their logos?
1. Paramount films
2. AOL has a pyramid with an eye
3. The A for Adobe is very pyramid-like
4. CBS has an eye for its symbol as well as some pyramids with eyes at the top
5. British Intelligence Agency MI5 has a pyramid with an eye
6. Ameritrade has another pyramid and eye
7. Rocawear, uses pyramids and all seeing eyes and the phrase masters of the craft
8. Burzon has a pyramid-eye in the center of the letter 'O”
9. LRG clothing uses the eye
10. OBEY clothing, although some of it's messages could be seen as sarcastic and anti Illuminai, because they say things like, “In lesser gods we trust”
11. Almost everyone has heard that there are hiden images in Disney animations and Walt Disney was a Mason.
12. Schmack uses a lot of Skull and Crossbone imagery
13. Fidelity Investments uses a Pyramid-eye
14. Time Warner has an eye logo
15. Nvidia has an eye logo
16. Toyota has an eye logo

How do we know whether or not these images symbolize something positive or something negative, when they could be either or both. That's the problem with imagery; one person applies a positive meaning and another applies a negative meaning. Depending on how you hold your fingers, the sign of the devil's horns, can also be sign language for I love you. Most people are not going to notice the subtle difference. During the last 30 years or better, those devil's horns have just been the symbol for someone who is a Rock n Roller, who likes to listen to rock music and have a good time. But who is to say that someone didn't come up with the idea to use rock music to get us all giving that hand gesture?

Subliminal or hidden messages are all around us. Music is a major influence on our society. It is a proven fact that when you listen to music, it activates every part of your brain. This is why they say children who listen to music while taking tests get higher scores.

In addition to the artists who are being pointed out as using Illuminati symbols. There are also an awful lot of artists writing lyrics that warn against the New World Order. Is this reverse psychology, or have the Illuminati just been approaching that many people and trying to get them to aid their efforts? There are people who believe that 2PAC and Michael Jackson were intimidated by trumped up legal charges and other means of intimidation to try to get them to sing songs that contained subliminal messages. When they resisted, they were killed.

Among those writing what appears to be anti Illuminati or New World Order lyrics and some who seem to play it both ways are:

1. JAY-Z
2. The late 2PAC(one of his songs even predicted they would have him killed) also called them Killuminati
3. DR. DRE
10. Rihanna

Some people believe the reason for the confusion is that these people are approached by Illuminati recruiters and offered power, influence, wealth and success in return for becoming a member and allowing themselves to be used to further the cause. Once involved, they learn what they have signed on for and are subtly trying to warn others. Proponents of this idea, believe this is why Michael Jackson and 2PAC are dead.

A more likely scenario is that they form investment companies, to fund movies or music they like. They then begin to exert control over what is filmed and recorded.

Shortly before he died, 2PAC gave an interview in which he said that there wouldn't be a big East Coast- West Coast War if the press didn't perpetuate it with all the coverage and hype.

There are athletes and actors as well who are believed to have fallen under the influence of the Illuminati.

1. Kobe Bryant
2. Lebron James
3. Sammy Davis Jr. was photographed with Anton LeVay.

These celebrities are often photographed using unusual handshakes and making the sign of the devil or holding fingers up to look like horns. They also form their hands into a triangle or pyramid-like shape. The compass sign, the first few times I saw this, it was men doing it and I thought they were making an obscene gesture for female genitalia. Kanye West, Jay-Z, Rihanna, and Beyonce have all been photographed making these weird signs.

The sheer volume of movies made in the last part of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century which have Illuminati subjects, should give you pause. There is an expression, “bad publicity is still publicity.” This means that even if a movie appears to be against these secret societies, they are still getting the message out that they are real and that they do exist so that we can begin to believe in them.