The Codex Alimentarius
The altruistic purpose of this
commission is in "protecting health of the consumers and
ensuring fair trade practices in the food trade, and promoting
coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international
governmental and non-governmental organizations".
It is run jointly by the Food and
Agricultural Organization and the World Health Organization. What
actually happens through them is that corporations make more money
off of food and control us through food. Obviously, if you control
the food, you control the people. The Us is the chair of Codex.
The Codex organization is working
toward regulating everything we eat and drink including water. They
will implement their regulations in every country that belongs to the
World Trade Organization. If these countries do not follow them, then
they will face trade sanctions.
Regulations as of December 2009:
* All nutrients (vitamins and minerals)
are to be considered toxins/poisons and are to be removed from all
food because Codex prohibits the use of nutrients to "prevent,
treat or cure any condition or disease"
* All food (including organic) is to be
irradiated, removing all toxic nutrients from food (unless eaten
locally and raw).
* Nutrients allowed will be limited to
a Positive List developed by Codex which will include such beneficial
nutrients like Fluoride (3.8 mg daily) developed from environmental
waste. All other nutrients will be prohibited nationally and
internationally to all Codex-compliant countries .
* All nutrients (e.g., CoQ10, Vitamins
A, B, C, D, Zinc and Magnesium) that have any positive health impact
on the body will be deemed illegal under Codex and are to be reduced
to amounts negligible to humans' health .
* You will not even be able to obtain
these anywhere in the world even with a prescription.
* All advice on nutrition (including
written online or journal articles or oral advice to a friend, family
member or anyone) will be illegal. This includes
reports on vitamins and minerals and all nutritionist's
* All dairy cows are to be treated with
Monsanto's recombinant bovine growth hormone.
* All animals used for food are to be
treated with potent antibiotics and exogenous growth hormones.
* The reintroduction of deadly and
carcinogenic organic pesticides that in 1991, 176 countries
(including the U.S.) have banned worldwide including 7 of the 12
worst at the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pesticides
(e.g., Hexachlorobenzene, Toxaphene, and Aldrin) will be allowed back
into food at elevated levels .
* Dangerous and toxic levels (0.5 ppb)
of aflotoxin in milk produced from moldy storage conditions of animal
feed will be allowed. Aflotoxin is the second most potent
(non-radiation) carcinogenic compound known to man.
* Mandatory use of growth hormones and
antibiotics on all food herds, fish and flocks
* Worldwide implementation of unlabeled
GMOs into crops, animals, fish and trees.
* Elevated levels of residue from
pesticides and insecticides that are toxic to humans and animals.
Some examples of potential permissible
safe levels of nutrients under Codex include :
* Niacin - upper limits of 34 mcg daily
(effective daily doses include 2000 to 3000 mcgs).
* Vitamin C - upper limits of 65 to 225
mcg daily (effective daily doses include 6000 to 10000 mcgs).
* Vitamin D - upper limits of 5 μg
daily (effective daily doses include 6000 to 10000 μg).
* Vitamin E - upper limits of 15 IU of
alpha tocopherol only per day, even though alpha tocopherol by itself
has been implicated in cell damage and is toxic to the body
(effective daily doses of mixed tocopherols include 10000 to 12000
In 1995, the Food and Drug
Administration changed their policy and it stated that international
standards, i.e. Codex, would supercede US laws, if US laws were
incomplete. This is essentially illegal to make some other governing
body superior to US law. But in 2004, the US passed the Central
American Free Trade Agreement, which required US regulations to meet
Codex standards by 2009.
Effectively, we cannot get rid of these
regulations as long as we belong to the WTO. It is believed that the
purpose of this, is to control population, through food, with the aid
of Big Pharma and the US government. The FAO and WHO estimate that
the vitamin regulation will reduce popularized by 3 million.
The more natural things we eat for
health or take for health, the more we cut into Big Pharma's profits.
IF proper science were being used,
biochemistry would be used to assess nutrients. Instead, Codex uses
Risk Assessment, which is a branch of toxicology. Because they want
us to view nutrients as toxins.
The Codex Alimentarius Vitamin and
Mineral Guideline, can ban high potency vitamins, by setting
standards for dosages or supplements added to food extremely low.
The DSHEA, Dietary Supplement Health
Education Act of 1994 classifed supplements as food. But Codex
supercedes that and calls supplements a drug or toxins, by referring
to levels of them as dosages.
So Codex violates a US law with an
international law.
I looked around to see what kind of
news stories I could find on Codex. I found one that says Argentina
joined the International Olive Oil Commission in order to prove that
their olive oil was authentic, even though it is different that the
oils from Mediterranean countries. The information was found in Codex
documents. Things like that are important because the prices of olive
oil are down right
I looked around for some of the more
recent videos on Codex alimentarius, so I could post them here.
In 2009, in the mother of all conflicts
of interest, Obama appointed Michael Taylor as a senior advisor for
the FDA. He had previously served as vice president at Monsanto.
Among other things that they do, Monsanto in a leader in GMO,
genetically modified foods. He was also the food Czar at the FDA when
GMO's were first allowed onto the market, without any testing at all
to determine their safety.
Monsanto markets genetically modified
corn that is insect resistant. In Europe, six countries from the EU
refuse to allow it to be grown in their countries. The EU has been
highly resistant towards any GMO's. Corn or corn products are in
everything. The Monsanto corn has pesticide in the seeds, and now
there are indications that bugs are becoming resistant to the
pesticides, so why keep them in there if they don't work or are
starting to fail? It is estimated that before they started making
this modified corn, it cost farmers about $1 million a year in
damaged crops and pesticide costs.
Monsanto's corn is engineered to
produce the Cry3Bb1 protein from Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bt, a
natural insecticide. There is also SmartStax corn that has an
additional chemical from Dow Chemical and Dupont. SmartStax corn has
eight different genetically modified traits in it. Prior to it's
development, the most any other product had was three. The corn
produces six insecticide toxins and is tolerant to 2 herbicides.
One of their newer products is GMO
drought resistant corn. They developed it in partnership with BASF.
It was approved earlier this year. The USDA said, "corn and
progeny derived from it are unlikely to pose plant pest risks and is
no longer to be considered regulated article under APHIS’
Biotechnology Regulations." and "would have no significant
impacts, individually or collectively, on the quality of the human
environment and will have no effect on federally listed threatened or
endangered species, species proposed for listing, or their designated
or proposed critical habitats."
The Cornucopia Institute reported that
the USDA received almost 45,000 public comments opposed to MON 87460,
with only 23 comments in favor. Apparently, this had little or no
impact on Obama or Secretary of Agriculture Vilsack.
Now they are wanting to sell corn that
is resistant to 2, 4-D, which was the primary ingredient in Agent
Orange. If that doesn't sit well with you, the USDA is taking public
comments on it, but whether or not your comment will matter is
unlikely, given that they didn't listen to people opposed to MON
Taylor's job at the FDA has been on
again off again, because part of the time he works for companies like
Monsanto. In1994, he wrote the labeling guidelines for dairy products
that have the hormone rBGH in them. So that these products wouldn't
be stigmatized, he forced companies that make products without rBGH
state on their labels that rGBH wasn't any different than the
naturally occurring hormone, so people would think that their product
wasn't any better because it didn't contain it.
Before he was able to do this, as a
lawyer for Monsanto, he advised them on whether or not it would be
legal for states to institute such labeling regulations, and whether
or not Monsanto would be able to sue
other companies for telling people that
their products were rGBH free. So while in the private sector, he
worked out the legalities, and through his public position he worked
out the logistics and implemented the program.
Both of my children had trouble
tolerating infant formula, so they had to be switched to soy formula.
Now soybeans are GMO's and soy allergies went up by 50% when GMO soy
products were introduced to the UK. So, if your child is lactose
intolerant, or allergic to dairy, and they are allergic to soy, what
are you to do, especially if breast feeding wasn't an option. In my
case I was on massive doses of antibiotics for a year after my son
was born, and the medicine would have passed into breast milk.
One of the types of genetic
modifications in food, is antibiotics. We hear all sorts of
statements that germs are antibiotic resistant due to doctors over
prescribing antibiotics. But is more likely, that the antibiotics in
our food cause it. For one thing if those genes transfer to bacteria
in your digestive tract, then it would modify the bacteria and make
it resistant. Now with the idea that gene transfer is possible, what
happens if GMO pesticides in corn transfer within our digestive
tract, we would be turning the bacteria inside us into pesticide
factories. No tests have been done to see if these GMO genes do
transfer, but it is scientifically possible. The American Academy of
Environment Sciences doesn't think GMO's are safe. “Several animal
studies indicate serious health risks associated with GM food,”
including infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, faulty
insulin regulation, and changes in major organs and the
gastrointestinal system. The AAEM asked physicians to advise patients
to avoid GM foods."
It sounds to me like a good way to
lower the population, to make people infertile, vulnerable to disease
because of damaged immune systems, increase their risk of diabetes,
cause organ damage, and cause them to die early.
At least sugar, fat and salt in food
makes it taste better, the GMO's usually don't unless you count the
new ones that are specifically made for that out of fetal cells. If
someone handed you two boxes, one that contained an all natural
herbicide and one that contained an all natural pesticide, would you
eat them?
This brings us around to David
Rockefeller, and good old Bill and Melinda Gates again. In February
2012, he was at a press conference hyping up his digital revolution
of the food supply in Rome. The reporters asked him about GMO's and
he replied,"You should go out and talk to people growing rice
and say do they mind that it was created in a laboratory when their
child has enough to eat?” I suppose right at the moment they were
filling their children's bellies, they might not mind, but if you
gave them a choice between GMO's and organic food, they wouldn't opt
for the GMO's. Their cafeterias are organic too.
AGRA or the Alliance for A Green
Revolution in Africa, is jointly funded by the Rockefeller and Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundations. Thanks to them, cassava, which is a
staple food in Africa, is now GMO cassava. Monsanto also introduced
GMO corn into Africa through the WEMA or Water Efficient Maize for
Africa program. The Bill Gates Foundation and Warren Buffet both
supported it. Rockefeller University's website says it only serves
rGBH free milk, cage free eggs and organic food. The Gates Foundation
owns stock in
They are all members of the so called
Doomsday Seed Vault in the Arctic. This is a stash of unmodified
seeds, ostensibly just in case of some environment catastrophe. But
the reality is that they don't want seeds to be sold or grown that
they don't have the patents on.
In India, it is being reported that
there is an epidemic of suicide among farmers. These farmers are told
that they will become rich if they switch to growing GMO crops. But
when droughts and other things cause their crops to fail, they are
deeply in dept because they have to borrow money to buy these seeds
from Monsanto. Their government has encouraged these farmers to opt
into GMO crops, because in return for doing so, India received
International Money Fund loans back in the eighties and nineties.
These loans helped the economy of the cities at the expense of lives.
They were told that they wouldn't have
to use pesticides, but instead, their cotton crops were ravaged by
boll worms. They were not told that these crops require more water,
and then they were hit with droughts.
In the US, Monsanto even made sure that
farmers who tried to grow crops that would allow them to save seeds
for the next year would be penalized for doing so. In 2011, they won
a court case that was begun back in 2007 against an Indiana farmer
named, Vernon Bowman. They said he infringed on their patent by
saving seeds that had some of the Monsanto seeds mixed in with them
for replanting. Bowman said he bought the seeds in part of some mixed
commodity seeds. Commodity seeds are not required to differentiate
between GMO and non GMO seeds.
Monsanto has been tracking down farmers
all over the Midwest and suing them for saving seeds. They have a
toll free hotline where people can make anonymous tips about farmers
who are cleaning and saving seeds. The farmers have to sign a
contract that says they won't do that, but instead buy new seeds
every year from Monsanto. These contracts say how much GMO Round Up
Ready acres they plant. Monsanto also runs television and radio adds
to encourage people to turn in their neighbors. When they get a tip,
they send out detectives to go through the farmers records and over
their farms looking for evidence. They look to see how much seed they
bought and how much they sold. Monsanto sues the farmers that if
feels it can prove have saved seeds. They say the money they will
goes to American Farm Bureau for scholarships.
Monsanto says that they are just trying
to protect the millions of dollars that they have invested in the
research and development of their products. But the National Family
Farm Coalition filed a suit, that claims that they are just trying to
monopolize the sale of seeds, and that they fix prices so that they
can create and maintain this monopoly.
Some of the court cases have claimed
that after the second generation of seeds, the patent exhausts
itself. Others have claimed that Monsanto cannot patent plants, which
self replicate in the first place; saying that patent law was
established for machines and things that someone invented.
Monsanto is following the lead of Big
Pharma with regard to patents. It's patent on the Round Up Ready soy
beans is due to run out in 2014. Under normal circumstances, that
would allow competition from other companies. But rather than allow
that to happen, they have already come up with Round Up Ready 2 and
are forcing it on the market, so that the Round Up Ready 1 seed will
be obsolete, and they will maintain their monopoly. This is the
tactic that pharmaceutical companies use. They will modify an
existing medicine slightly, give it a new name and extend their time
before the patent runs out. This makes the consumer have to wait
years before there is an affordable generic available.
Farmers would like to be able to start
saving their seeds when the patent runs out, but it will be difficult
to find seeds that only contain Round Up Ready 1, so that they won't
violate the patent. Cross pollination is a very real possibility,
because even Monsanto can't control the wind, or contamination that
occurs via animals. In a bit of false magnanimity, Monsanto says it
won't try to keep farmers from saving seed. But they know how hard it
will be to find only Round Up Ready 1 seeds, which is why, Monsanto
is trying to get the new Round Up Ready on the market now. They also
didn't start saying that until the Justice Department started
investigating them for antitrust law violation. It has been reported
that they were not going to re-license companies to use the RoundUp
Ready 1 gene, which will force them to buy the Round Up Ready 2 gene.
But with the Justice Department looking at them, they backed down on
that, but only in the U.S.
There are farmers who need to be able
to establish that their crops are organic, because they sell to
companies like Whole Food Market. And they are suing Monsanto,
because their GMO's are contaminating their crops, and they say, that
Monsanto can then claim their crops are GMO's. So, far they have been
unsuccessful, because they have been unable to prove in court that
Monsanto threatened them. But if they had gone about it, just by
saying that Monsanto had contaminated their crops they might have
won. Either way, it is highly doubtful that Monsanto ever intended
for their product not to cross pollinate with non GMO fields. And
that is significant when you realize that it is not just soy beans,
but corn and cotton that they are monopolizing.
Other countries require GMO patents to
be renewed periodically, and Monsanto intends to maintain those
licenses until 2017. American farmers would not be allowed to sell
seeds to those countries, which would probably cause them not to want
to grow crops that they can't export.
In 2005, the Brazilian government made
GMO soybeans legal. But they did this because it was shown that about
75% of the crops were grown from Round Up Ready seeds, made by
Monsanto. Round Up ready crops have been modified so that it can be
sprayed on them without hurting the plants.
Since the crops were now legal,
Monsanto started charging the farmers 2% of the sales of the soy
beans. The amount of farmers growing these GMO soybeans was now up to
85%. And they test all of the crops to make sure who is growing them.
If the farmer claims that his crops are not the Round Up Ready soy
beans, and they prove that they are, he has to pay 3% of his profits.
Monsanto does not want us using
bio-fuels like hemp and sugarcane. Hemp doesn't require insecticides,
or phosphate fertilizer. So that would cut down on their profits.
Instead, they prefer that we grow their corn, which requires their
Whether or not you believe in legalized
marijuana/hemp. The reason it is not already legal, may not have
anything to do with drug usage. It is estimated that 1 acre of hemp
could yield more paper than 2-4 acres of trees. Even though we are
living in the digital age, we still need paper, and the demand for it
will continue to grow. If we don't find another source for it, we
will have massive deforestation. This in turn will have environment
results, which ultimately will cause declines in population.
Even cars can and have been made from
hemp based plastic. Ford made one in 1941. This hemp plastic is
supposed to be 10 times stronger than steel. Only half of the oil we
import is for fuel. The other half is for plastic manufacturing. It
is ironic that organizations like PETA want us to use pleather,
without realizing that by using something that is a petroleum
product, we injure far more animals than those who might lose their
fur on a farm. And what about the children who starve or get cancer.
But save the animals?
Viscoloid Corporation was established
in 1900 to make celluloid which was basically plastic. About 25 years
later Dupont bought it. Another company that made celluloid was
Fiberloid, which was bought out by Monsanto. I.F. Farben's
Hoechst-Celanese, also makes plastic. And everyone know that plastic
is related to petroleum and therefore the Rockefellers. Round Up is
made with Rockefeller fossil fuels, as evidenced by it's chemical
name, glyphosate.
I am not sure if I mentioned this
before, but Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas used to be a
lawyer for Monsanto in the 1970's. He wrote the majority opinion that
Monsanto's GMO's were patentable under U.S. patent law.
Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone or
rBGH is the Monsanto growth hormone that causes cows to produce more
milk. It was approved by the FDA in 1993. The EU, and Canada, as well
as other countries have banned it's use. The American Cancer Society
says that it is not the rGBH that we should be concerned with but
IGF-1, insulin-like growth factor, which is linked to all sorts of
cancer. They say it is also in soy milk. This brings up an
interesting point, is IGF-1 in Monsantos soy products? It would seem
so. IGF-1 is not destroyed by pasteurization.
The FDA prohibits dairies from claiming
that milk with rGBH is different than any other milk. Because rGBH
injected cows get more mastitis, they have to be given antibiotics.
Monsanto was accused of trying to bribe scientists in order to get
rBGH milk approved in Canada. Kroger and
Walmart have chosen not to sell store brands of milk with rGBH in it.