Saturday, December 15, 2012

Ways To Kill Without A Gun

Ways to kill without a gun

(not condoning) Just making a point.

Rope, insulin, fire/gas, exhaust fumes, bush hog mower, chemicals, bleach, water, step/push in front of train/semi/bus/airplane prop, ice pick, gaff, box cutter, duct tape, blow dryer in a bathtub, cocaine/meth/ecstasy, push/fall into a garbage truck, push/fall into a cardboard compactor, street paver, neck tie, spear gun, cross bow, shove toilet plunger into rectum of fellow inmate...

Saw all of these on episodes of CSI or Law and Order

It's really hard to get a gun in Japan, yet they are known for mass murders.

For committing mass murder, guns are inefficient. People don;t decide that because they can legally buy a gun, they are going to go kill a bunch of people. First they decide they are going to kill and THEN they pick a weapon.

Guns are for personal protection. That's what they were designed for. But when you want to go on the offensive, explosives are what most armies use.

Worst School Massacre in US history: Bath, Michigan School Massacre. 1927. Murder accomplished with explosives. 44 victims (equal to the Columbine and Virginia Tech massacres combined).

Worst Domestic Terrorist Attack in US History: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building bombing. 4/19/95. Murder accomplished with a rental truck full of fertilizer based explosives. 168 dead (including many children in an onsite day care).

Worst Foreign based Terrorist Attack in US History: September 11, 2001 attacks on NYC, PA, Pentagon. Murder accomplished with box cutters and commercial airliners. ~3,000 people dead.

    Arson, Stabbing Rampage in Seoul South Korea : 10/20/2008. 6 people dead, 5 from stabbing. 7 others wounded, 4 seriously. An angry man felt people “looked down on him.”

    Anti-police stabbing spree in Shanghai, China: 7/2008. 6 Police Officers stabbed to death, 4 wounded. 28 year old man angry at police attacked a police station with a knife.

    Akihabara Massacre, Chiyoda City, Tokyo, Japan: 6/8/2008. 7 people killed (3 struck by car, 4 by stabbing), many more injured. Man slammed into a crowd with his car, then jumped out and began stabbing people to death.

    18 year old slashes 4 to death in Sitka, Alaska, US: 3/25/2008. 4 people killed. 18 year old (old enough to purchase a rifle over the counter) kills 4 people, related to him, with a 5 inch knife.

    Stabbing Spree kills 2, Tsuchiura, Japan: 3/23/2008. 2 killed, 7 wounded. Man “just wanted to kill anyone.”

    Stabbing spree wounds 41, 6 seriously in Berlin Train Station: 5/26/2006. 41 wounded, 6 seriously. Thankfully no one died in this attack, but not for lack of trying on the part of the drunk 16 year old.

    4 killed in stabbing spree in London, UK: 9/2004. 4 killed, 2 wounded. Mentally ill man attacks mostly older people.

    6 killed over Xbox dispute in Deltona, Florida, US: 8/6/2004. 6 killed. 4 men (all old enough to legally purchase firearms) bludgeon 6 people to death with baseball bats over purloined Xbox.

    Daegu subway fire, Daegu, South Korea: 2/18/2003. 198 killed, 147 injured. A 56 year old unemployed taxi driver, dissatisfied with his medical treatment, sets fire to a crowded train.

    Osaka School Massacre, Osaka Japan: 6/8/2001. 8 children dead, 13 other children and 2 teachers wounded. Committed by 37 year old former janitor armed with a kitchen knife.


The guy in Connecticut who shot those children had a personality disorder and some form of autism.

Some useful statistics.
26% of homeless are veterans
45% of those are mentally ill
70% have substance abuse problems

The Colorado theater shooter, James Holmes, saw three mental health professionals from UC before he went on his shooting spree.

The Columbine shooters originally planned on setting off huge bombs, not shooting. If they hadn't been so bad at wiring the timers, the propane bombs they set in the cafeteria would have wiped out 600 people. AFTER those bombs went off, they planned to gun down fleeing survivors. An explosive third act would follow, when their cars, packed with still more bombs, would rip through still more crowds, presumably of survivors, rescue workers, and reporters.

Klebold was depressive and suicidal. Harris was a psychopath.

If you qualify for SSI rent usually costs more than your total income.

20,000 homeless people live in Detroit, 1/3 of them are mentally ill.

1/3 of homeless persons have mental illness, severe and disabling mental illness

About half of all homeless have dual diagnosis mental illness and substance abuse problems.

Studies done by the Connecticut Offender Reentry Program, The Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addictions Services, show that
14.1% of offenders were rearrested within 6 months. But those with mental illness and substance abuse problems the rate was 28.3%.

That is double the amount.

It doesn't take guns to be violent and kill and members of our government are better trained to kill without guns.

A homeless, mentally ill man in Fullerton, CA was beaten and tazered to death by 6 police officers in 2011. The people in the neighborhood said he was a quiet, polite, gentle and child-like man. There were witnesses all over, but they were afraid to try to intervene verbally or otherwise against this show of force by police.

The average schizophrenic lives 50 years after their first diagnosis. Because it costs so much to institutionalize them, they are often kicked out onto the street. A disproportionately large amount of them end up in prisons. Prison is cheaper.
The others are frequently killed while committing acts of violence.

There is a link between creativity and mental illness. So mentally ill people who want to kill but are denied access to guns, can be way more creative in their methods of killing, once they have the impulse to do so.

Soldiers are trained to kill with their bare hands, and to improvise weapons, and to be immune to killing, and turn off their empathy in order to make it through the day.

In 1992 a state budget cut threatened to close Connecticut Mental Hospitals, with the result of its patients being homeless.

In November of 2011, NAMI, The National Alliance on Mental Illness released a report called, State Mental Health Cuts:A National Crisis. The budget cuts between 2009 and 2011 was causing a crisis. States have made over 1.6 Billion dollars of budget cuts for mental health in 2012.

In June 2011, there was a reduction in Medicaid funds. States increased the general fund money for mental health costs did not cover the difference. Because states like Arizona and Ohio shifted these general fund monies to Medicaid, it left people who have mental illness but are not eligible for medicaid without services.

This does not factor in the cuts in other money than State General Fund for mental health services. Those other cuts were in Medicaid, housing and family and child services. If those were factored in the amount of cuts would rise exponentially.

In 2011, Federal Stimulus spending for Medicaid, a program that matched state medicaid spending expired. The budgets dropped by $ 14 Billion dollars. This meant that states would be spending 19% more on medicaid. States now have to fill the huge hole left by this loss of federal funds to treat mental illness.

In Congress there are proposals being discussed to reduce medicaid by between $75 billion and $200 billion in the next ten years.

To return to the examples of Arizona and Ohio: Arizona eliminated services for 12,000 people with mental illness and who did not qualify for medicaid. Hundreds of those people ended up in prison or hospitalized. ER visits for psychiatric problems doubled by 40 percent in patients without medicaid.

In Ohio, the state moved funds into medicaid to cover medicaid recipients with mental illness, and left those without medicaid without resource, because they cut their funds by millions of dollars to bolster medicaid and qualify for the matching funds they can get from the Federal government. Aside from all of the other politics going on here, the reason states want those medicaid funds is so that CPS and APS are well funded so that the government can run your life.

In 2011, there was a ban on spending government funds to advocate or promote gun control. Obama's response:

"I have advised the Congress that I will not construe these provisions as preventing me from fulfilling my constitutional responsibility to recommend to the Congress's consideration such measures as I shall judge necessary and expedient," Obama said in a statement as he signed the bill into law.

Obama signaled that he was going to just ignore two new parts of the 2012 Omnibus Spending bill. Although he signed the spending bill into law, he simultaneously issued a so-called "signing statement," a note that presidents have started attaching to legislation stating how they interpret the law they are signing or whether they believe part of it is unconstitutional.

Read more:

He thinks he is above the law. To better explain what that was about: It means Congress doesn't want Obama using the CDC and other federally funded programs to "educate" or "advocate" anything that is up for legislation, including gun control, and he said he would do it anyway.

During the October presidential debate in New York, Obama said he was going to be working on gun control. And withing a week after the elections the UN were working with him on it again. He knows that there is very little likelihood of a bi-partisan law on gun control, so he is making an end run around that problem by trying to get us into a UN treaty that requires US citizens to register ALL their guns, so that they know who has what when they confiscate them.

He doesn't want assault weapons; he wants ALL guns.
“And, so, what I’m trying to do is to get a broader conversation about how do we reduce the violence generally,” Obama said at the debate. “Part of it is seeing if we can get an assault weapons ban reintroduced, but part of it is also looking at other sources of the violence, because frankly, in my hometown of Chicago, there’s an awful lot of violence, and they’re not using AK-47s, they’re using cheap handguns.”

The government is buying up ammunition through agencies who should have no need for ammo like DHS. This is a backdoor sneaky way of instituting gun control. If you can't find bullets to buy, your gun is useless.

Obama opened his remarks on the Connecticut shooting with fake tears and a call for gun control. He politicized a tragedy in a disgusting way.

President Obama keeps pushing for gun control. "I just want you to know that we are working on [gun control]. We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar,” President Obama told Sarah Brady, the former president of the Brady Campaign, in Spring 2011.

Read more:
The Obama administration had pushed federal agents involved in the Fast & Furious scandal to support gun control regulations during their congressional testimony

Read more:
He thinks that the UN is the way to get gun control, but the reality is, it would still require a 2/3 vote in Senate for ratification. But since he thinks he is above Congress, he probably figures on ignoring that little fact.

His administration has attempted to institute a ban on rifles over .22 caliber, classing them in with semi-automatic weapons. The NRA has filed a lawsuit.

Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan headed up President Clinton’s push for gun control when she worked for his White House during the 1990s. And Justice Sonia Sotomayor has signed on to a Supreme Court opinion stating that there is no individual right to "private self-defense" with guns.

Read more:

As David Lamp writes at Cato, “In Israel and Switzerland, for example, a license to possess guns is available on demand to every law-abiding adult, and guns are easily obtainable in both nations. Both countries also allow widespread carrying of concealed firearms, and yet, admits Dr. Arthur Kellerman, one of the foremost medical advocates of gun control, Switzerland and Israel ‘have rates of homicide that are low despite rates of home firearm ownership that are at least as high as those in the United States.’”

They have changed their gun control policy from what it was in Switzerland and Israel, but at the time that they had these rules, the fact remains, their homicide rates were lower.

There is an organization called Mayors Against Illegal Guns, started by NY Mayor Bloomberg. This organization has regional coordinators that are being paid for by taxpayer money. In Orlando,FL the taxpayers pay $24,000 of this person's salary and MAIG paid for the other $36,000 of it. MAIG gets most of it's funding from the Joyce Foundation(Obama was a board member).

Can you imagine what a different world it would be in Obama spent half as much time worrying about helping mentally ill people as he does about guns? Guns did not kill those children, a mentally ill person did.

The United Way funds anger management programs. In New York, The Anger Management Program is funded by the New York City Council and private and corporate contributions, supplemented by client fees. Notice the lack of Federal funding?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Does It Matter If You Are Pro-Life Or Pro-Choice?

I have been seeing about an equal amount of posts that are Pro-Choice and Pro-Life on my FaceBook wall. And the Presidential candidates have made it an issue by tying it to the issue of rape. But it really matters not in this country which side you are on, because you don't get to make the decision. There is no such thing as Pro-Choice in this country, and there damn sure isn't a policy of Pro-Life in our government, because it doesn't value life.

Way back in the 1960's the Rockefeller Foundation started working towards the development and implementation of an "Anti-fertility Vaccine." By 1972, the World Health Organization and the UN were working with them, and the program had been given a more politically correct name "Fertility Reduction Vaccine." They had a task force, the Task Force on Immunological Methods for Fertility Regulation. They were studying the large scale manufacture and administration of this type of vaccine at low cost.

"In 1972 the Organization...expanded its programme of research in human reproduction to provide an international focus for an intensified effort to improve existing methods of fertility regulation, to develop new methods and to assist national authorities in devising the best ways of providing them on a continued basis. The programme is closely integrated with other WHO research on the delivery of family planning care by health services, which in turn feeds into WHO's technical assistance programme to governments at the service level."(

As you can see from the following report at the NIH, they have decided that since hormonal methods of rendering men infertile don't work too well, they intend to use chemical methods.( ) This report also shows that the Rockefeller Foundation is funding this research.

Please do not be naive enough to believe that people as rich as the Rockefeller's have any truly altruistic reason for caring how many children you have. They just want to make sure that there are less of us, so there is more for them.

The study at the above link says that the chemical gossypol that they researched caused menstrual disorders in women, so if it caused these problems for women, it would logically follow that just because it caused male infertility, it isn't healthy. In fact it caused neurological problems. So they decided to experiment on Chinese people with it, and decided that if the dose was low enough it wouldn't hurt you and was reversible. Really?

If you read my other posts on eugenics, you will soon learn that organizations like Planned Parenthood are not as benign and helpful as you are led by the nose to believe. They were established by eugenicists prior to WWI and their main purpose is NOT to allow women to have the right to choose whether or not to get pregnant or to have an abortion once she becomes pregnant. Their true purpose is to control and ultimately to stop the birth of whomever they determine to be undesirable.

To point out what may not be obvious, the very fact that they are calling this a vaccine, shows that they are going to be messing with peoples immune systems in order to cause infertility. You might not get pregnant, but at what cost to your health? They don't care if you suffer and die early. So much the better, because there will be one less mouth feeding off the resources they want to hoard.

“Because of the genetic diversity of human populations”, states the document, “immune responses to vaccines often show marked differences from one individual to another in terms of magnitude and duration. These differences may be partly or even completely overcome with appropriately engineered FRVs (Fertility Regulating Vaccines) and by improvements in our understanding of what is required to develop and control the immune response elicited by different vaccines.”

“A new approach to fertility regulation is the development of vaccines directed against human substances required for reproduction. Potential candidates for immunological interference include reproductive hormones, ovum and sperm antigens, and antigens derived from embryonic or fetal tissue.(…). An antifertility vaccine must be capable of safely and effectively inhibiting a human substance, which would need somehow to be rendered antigenic. A fertility-regulating vaccine, moreover, would have to produce and sustain effective immunity in at least 95% of the vaccinated population, a level of protection rarely achieved even with the most successful viral and bacterial vaccines. But while these challenges looked insuperable just a few years ago, recent advances in biotechnology- particularly in the fields of molecular biology, genetic engineering and monoclonal antibody production- are bringing antifertility vaccines into the realm of the feasible.”

I found the fact that they mentioned using fetal and embryonic cells very interesting, because it has recently become public knowledge that they are putting fetal cells in our food.( )( )

As a person who suffers from an autoimmune disorder, I can't help but feel very angry and betrayed by my government for allowing this experimentation. They have obviously been experimenting with better vaccine delivery systems and more effective ones for years now so that they can tell us we need all these new vaccines for new and old diseases, and as an added benefit to them, you and your children will be infertile. I fail to see how that is Pro-Choice.

It's something to think about the next time you get into a Pro-Choice argument with someone or the next time you and your family get in line to get your vaccinations.

In addition to the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation has a BIG hand in population control around the world. One of their latest projects is research and development of nano-particles that could be administered to you without your knowledge to render you infertile by introducing foreign DNA into your body. ( )

The Gates Foundation has proudly been partnering with other organizations to force people at gunpoint to be vaccinated in Malawi.(

While they pretend to be philanthropic, it is obvious that they are talking out both sides of their mouths, just in the fact that they have 2 opposite agendas: reducing childhood death and population control. The two things are really not compatible because if you want to control population, you don't really value ALL human life. The following excerpt from one of Bill Gates' statements shows that what he is truly after is controlling the consumption of resources and stability, which is a nice way of saying control of the peoples of the world through government.
" then you would have all the tools to reduce childhood death, reduce population growth, and everything -- the stability, the environment -- benefits from that."( )

The Gates Foundation is also sponsoring anti-vaccine surveillance and alert systems.
With regard to vaccines in general and the way people are being manipulated, the Council on Foreign Relations actually felt that it would be a good idea to make think people think there was a shortage of the H1N1 vaccine so that people who were resistant to getting it would get it because they were afraid they might not be able to change their minds later, and because if everyone else was rushing to get it, it must be a good idea.( )

“I think what would work better would be to say that there was a shortage and people tend to buy more of something that’s in demand. (Laughter.) We saw that — there was one season where, really, people lined up all night to get a flu shot.” Simonsen says, much to the amusement of the other attendees at the symposium."

In an article at, a very valid point was made in reference to a statement made by Andrew Jack about the people who were hesitant to take the vaccine.

"“I’m not sure that we’re countering these people very well.” Jack concludes before suggesting that the CFR put out soundbites about there being more mercury in a Tuna sandwich than in the H1N1 vaccine in order to convince “the crazy people” that it is safe.

The fact is however, you do not directly inject a tuna sandwich into your bloodstream. Is it more likely that a two fold increase in autism over the last six years is directly related to thimerosal in vaccines or to tuna sandwiches?"( )

In my other posts on eugenics, I have shown that there are people in this country, in the UN and around the world who believe that if you are not of the elite, you shouldn't be having children. And one of President Obama's own advisers believes that if you happen to be Pro-Life, or just choose to have your baby and you are unmarried, that it automatically makes you an unfit mother, and your child should be taken away from you and put into foster care. That's almost funny when you are familiar with the circumstances of Barach Obama's childhood. But wait, he's a wealthy, successful, politician, so it's different.

What it all boils down to is this: You do not have the final say-so on your fertility, unless you happen to be one of the power elite in this country.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Lil Wayne video shows 12 Skeletons at 3:42

IF you skip to 3:42 of the video you will see him in a movie theatre with 12 skeletons.

Aurora, Colorado Batman Premier Shootings, UN Gun Control

I do not feel you have to be too bright to wonder how a medical student, got the training to use the weapons he used, make sophistocated booby traps, use tactical body armor in the Batman shooting?

How did he come up with $20,000 in weapons gear? If he was suicidal, why use body armor and surrender willingly? If he wanted to kill as many people as possible, why did he tell the police there were bombs in his apartment?

The government stages things to justify limiting our rights. Two things strike me as having very little chance of being coincidental to the Batman shooting. One is the fact that recently Obama has been trying very hard to get all guns banned. The second is that in this effort, he is in support of the UN Arms Trade Treaty, which will force gun control in the US. This was actually happening at the exact time of the shooting. Before you discount my opinion, please read this article in the NY Times about the FBI enticing people to commit terrorism and entrapping them. government stages things to justify limiting our rights.

And just as planned, the cops immediately started doing things that nobody would have previously put up with.
And what were we supposed to be being distracted from? What were they preparing to do to us, that they needed us to believe was a good idea?

In case you are not aware, the UN is right now in the process of establishing laws, that the US would be bound by, effectively doing away with both our sovereignty and the 2nd Amendment. Whether or not you support gun bans, you should have a problem with people from other countries over riding our system of government. Your vote and my vote are what should effect US laws, not the opinion of some Chinese, Russian or British politician. This comes directly from the UNODA website. (The "D" stands for total disarmament of civilians, not gun control) "In 2009 the General Assembly decided to convene a Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty in 2012 "to elaborate a legally binding instrument on the highest possible common international standards for the transfer of conventional arms". Conventional arms means small arms like hand guns.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Chinese Mother Forced to Abort a Seventh Month Pregnancy

This link is right on target with my recent posts.Chinese Mother Forced to Abort a Seventh Month Pregnancy

Alan Watts Eugenics Videos from Alex Jones Channel

The following videos are on the subject of eugenics and are highly informative.

The History and Practice of Eugenics, PT 11

The History and Practice of Eugenics

Human Genetic Engineering

Aldous Huxley's Brave New World depicted a future society, where people are selectively bred to be genetically perfect. Their genes determine which class of people they will be born into, a sort of genetic caste system. In our time, this will play out through human genetic engineering. This field purports to be trying to correct the genes that cause disease and chronic health conditions.

What genetic engineering does is alter a person's genotype, or their genetic makeup, in order to change their observable traits, or phenotype. Under modern eugenics, negative and positive are terms applied differently.

Negative engineering, attempts to fix, things that are wrong, genetic abnormalities, etc. This is accomplished, by removing genes to prevent diseases or treat genetic diseases. The cells that are altered are called somatic cells. They are non-reproductive cells. This is referred to as gene therapy and somatic cell gene transfer,(SCGT).

Some of the systems in the human body have self-renewing stem cells. They are constantly dividing to replenish all of the cells within that sytem. Bone marrow has these cells that regenerate in order to make new red and white blood cells. But there are other areas of the body like nerve cells, that don't have these self-renewing stem cells.These are the cells that scientific researchers want to use embryonic stem cells for. Embryonic stem cells, can become any cell type in the body, because they are not already coded for a specific purpose or area of the body.

Once the doctors have these replacement cells, they have to get them into the area of the body they are designed to fix or treat. They often use viruses to do this and the patient runs the risk of a severe autoimmune response, which could lead to death.
But there have been successes, and there are projects being conducted, aimed at curing cancer, blindness and bone marrow diseases.

Negative genetic engineering is also being used to find genetic diseases before and during pregnancy. Most people are at least slightly familiar with what an amniocentesis is. It is when they take a sample of the embryonic fluid withing the amniotic sac. It was only used during the first trimester of pregnancy. Parents who have trouble conceiving can opt to undergo in vitro fertilization and implantation of an embryo. Now they have the option to have preimplantation diagnosis (PGD). This gives parents the ability to only have the healthiest embryos implanted. The embryos not chosen for implantation, are usually disposed of. Parents have to decide whether or not an embryo with a medical condition should be disposed of even if the condition is treatable. Parents could conceivably pick the sex or eye color of the embryos they implant.

If at some future date, the technology is perfected to allow genetic modification of an embryo through gene therapy, it would also affect the embryos sperm or ovum. This gene modification would effectively be changing the genes passed on to successive generations. This is called inheritable genetic modification.

Positive genetic engineering attempts to improve upon people's genetic makeup or the the genes of their offspring. This is sometimes called gene doping. In 2008, the World Anti-Doping Agency defined it as the "non-therapeutic use of cells, genes, genetic elements, or modulation of gene expression having the capacity to enhance performance."

It has not been documented to be occurring, there are those who believe it is being conducted in secret. Earlier, I wrote about the insulin-like growth factor 1(IGF-1) in food. But in 2002, researchers were inserting IGF-1 into the muscle cells of mice to enlarge their muscles and creating "Schwarzenegger Mice." It has also been reported that the fat-burning protein PPAR into mice, gave the ability to run twice as fast. If athletes began using this method of enhancement, those who were testing for it, would have to completely sequence their genome to find evidence of it.

In the not too distant future, people will have to decide where to draw the line. If we altered the genes of short people, so that they could become taller, or gave people better eyesight, without regulation, what is to stop doctors from making people more intelligent or more athletic.

Eugenics is being proposed to us as a choice, as opposed to the forced government coercion of the past. Julian Savulescu is chair of the Oxford Center for Practical Ethics at Oxford University. In a paper he wrote in 2002, called Procreative Beneficence: Why We Should Select the Best Children, he said, "Couples should select embryos or fetuses which are most likely to have the best life, based on available genetic information, including information about non-disease genes." He supports choosing children not just with their health in mind, but based on intelligence and gender. He refers to it as a "private enterprise" that is based on the choice of the parents. I have already covered what has happened in China, due to the practice of choosing the viability of a life based on gender. What is less well known, is that parents in the U.S. are choosing in increasing numbers to have male children, which is resulting in a declining number of female children.

If we as a society value male life above female life prior to birth, obviously, female children are going to face discrimination their whole life for being female. A system of giving women reproductive rights, in order to make their lives better, will ultimately make the life of women worse.

The National Bureau of Economic Research, published a paper called, The Demand for Sons: Evidence from Divorce, Fertility, and Shotgun Marriage (NBER Working Paper No. 10281),by Gordon Dahl and Enrico Moretti. They say that "Parental preference affects divorce, child custody, marriage, shotgun marriage when the sex of the child is known before birth, child support payments, and the decision of parents not to have any more children."

They compiled statistics from the U.S. Census from 1940-2000. These statistics show that a first born daughter is much less likely to be living with her father than a first born son. This is because women who only have female children are 2-7 percent more likely to never become married than women with male children. When parents marry because of an unplanned pregnancy, the so called shotgun wedding, it happens much more frequently when they know from an ultrasound that the baby is a boy. If the parents do not know the sex of the baby, the rate of marriage before birth is about the same. Statistic are showing that men who know they are about to have a son, are much more likely to marry the mother.

Couples who only have girls, get divorced more frequently than parents of boys. This increase is between 1 and 7 percent. This would indicate at least the possibility that men prefer spending time with sons than with daughters. They would lose this ability or find it severely limited after a divorce, and therefore may be less willing to lose access to sons as a result of divorce and therefore stay married. This difference in divorce rate is not effected by geographic region, race or economic pr educational level of the family. Fathers are also 11-22 percent more likely to have custody of their sons after a divorce than they are to have custody of their daughters.

Families that already have at least two children, are more likely to have another child if their existing children are girls. Divorced mothers are less likely to get child support for two daughters than for two sons.

Dahl and Moretti say that polls taken since 1940 show that men would prefer to have a son by more than a two to one margin. Women have much less preference toward having daughters.

At the present time, it is expensive to have testing done to choose the sex of your unborn child, but in the future such will not be the case. "As the cost of procedures falls and their reliability rises, the sex-ratio in the population may slowly become more male," Dahl and Moretti conclude. "More importantly, the bias for boys evidenced by our results may lead to worse outcomes for daughters."

But in the West, we have consistently had a stronger prejudice against the sick and disabled than we do against female children.

In April of 2012, ABC reported that a new test to determine if your child had Down's Syndrome, as early as the 10th week of pregnancy. It is called the MaterniT21. It detects extra chromosomes floating around in the mother's blood from the baby. The tests can result in miscarriage. And since most insurance companies are not yet covering it, the cost to parents is about $475.

A doctor at Children's Hospital Boston, Dr. Brian Skotko, who is a clinical fellow in genetics was the lead study author on a study of 3000 Down's Syndrome patients and their families. It was published in the American Journal of Medical Genetics in October 2011. The study found that siblings age 12 and older were 97 percent said they felt proud of their siblings with Down's Syndrome. The children who themselves had Down's Syndrome 99 percent said they were happy, 97 percent liked who they are, and 96 percent were happy with their appearance.

The level of disability and health problems that accompany Down's Syndrome varies. It causes impairment of intellect, heart and stomach problems weak immune system, poor hearing and a shortened lifespan, typically living to their 50's. Some of the children are high-functioning, and healthy. But others can be severely disabled and unable to communicate. Up to 90% of women abort their pregnancies, when told the fetus has Down's Syndrome. While I would hesitate to fault parents who choose to abort a child when faced with the daunting diagnosis of Down's Syndrome, this study does show that there are some misconceptions as to whether such a child and their family can lead happy fulfilling lives.

What other sector of the population can say that 90 percent of them are happy?

In the Journal of Legal Medicine a doctor and lawyer said that a woman who gave birth to a child with Tay-Sachs disease, after being given the diagnosis, should be prosecuted. (Lori B. Andrews, “The Clone Age: Adventures in the New World of Reproductive Technology,” p. 161).

Those who support modern eugenics, say that since it is personal choice, it will not be plagued with the evils perpetrated in the past. I would like to know when in human history has the ability to have free choice, prevented abuse of that freedom?

I believe that all human life is valuable and it should be respected, protected and treated with dignity. We all have human dignity. This is not dependent on our genetics or our perceived disabilities. Our human dignity can not been seen in our genes under a microscope. It has to be experienced.

“The people of our time, sensitized by the terrible vicissitudes that have covered the 20th century and the very beginning of this one in mourning, are able to understand that man’s dignity is not identified with his DNA genes and that it does not diminish with the eventual presence of physical differences or genetic defects.”--Pope Benedict XVI, 2005

Darwin felt that, "Elite status is prima facie evidence of evolutionary superiority."

I am not from any elite family, but my genealogy goes all the way back to Cleopatra; I descend from the kings of the once mythical city of Troy; I descend from a long line of pharaohs; I descend from dozens of Roman Caesars; there are kings from the Jewish diaspora in my heritage; I have several lines from Merovic, the king who the Merovingians derive their name from; I have countless families of European nobility within my line; I descend from the kings of France, Spain, Britain, Scotland and Ireland and Wales; The only difference between me and many other Americans is that I have sought out the information and can prove it. The difference between me and most of the so called elite, is that at some point my ancestors stopped feeling that your bloodline was of more importance than what you did with your life. I do not believe anything is "prima facie evidence of evolutionary superiority." I believe that you prove your superiority with your actions and your character. And above all, I believe that God is no respecter of persons. If it is not in his plan, eugenics will never improve upon His creation. The created cannot improve on the work of the Creator. They may be able to alter or change it, but never improve upon His creation. He didn't put us here to evolve, but to transcend. We were given free will with which to achieve it. If you allow them to take it away, you will never fulfill your purpose.

Men, in their effort to improve humanity have instead, committed some grievous wrongs against mankind in their arrogance

“All animals are created equal, some are just more equal than others”. --George Orwell, Animal Farm.

The History and Practice of Eugenics, PT. 10

The History and Practice of Eugenics

FEMA Camps

I recently saw some statistics, which show the US as being the largest prison state in the world. These statistics show the US having more inmates that China and Russia. In 2006, we had 7,000,000 inmates. Some of the statistics were taken from Justice Policy Institute Report: The Punishing Decade, and US Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin, NCJ219416, which shows inmates in 2006.

Since 1971, when Nixon declared a "War on Drugs," there has been a huge increase in the number of prisoners. We also, now have, a large amount of privately owned prisons. In 2001, there were about 140,000 prisoners in these private prisons. I also saw video of a Corrections Corporation of America prison that has railroad tracks going to it. Now, logic would make you think that would be a security risk, so why do you suppose they are there? So, they can ship in massive amounts of prisoners, perhaps? These companies that own privately, run prisons, are less accountable to the public.

H.R. 645 calls for the establishment of detainment facilities all over the US, without specifying who would be imprisoned in them. On this same video, you can see a place that has tens of thousands of coffins, that will hold up to four bodies. They are made the the Hercules Corporation, which is R&D for Halliburton.

If you look at the maps of these camps on google, for Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Virginia and Maryland, you will find that there is one in Cleveland, OH; Lima, OH;Columbus, OH;Cincinnati, OH; Louisville, KY; Manchester, KY; Lexington, KY; Ashland, KY; Beckley, WV; Alderson, WV; Lewisburg, WV; Mill Creek, WV; Kingwood, WV; Morgantown, WV; Ft. Detrick, MD; Ft. Meade, MD; Ft. AP Hill, VA; Petersburg, VA; 

This is a list of Executive Orders that have amassed slowly over the last 30 years. Just because they had logical reasons for being enacted at the time, doesn't mean they can't be used for more diabolical purposes now.

Executive Orders associated with FEMA that would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen:...
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 1099allows the government to seize and control the communication media.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998allows the government to seize all means of transportation, including personal cars, trucks or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports, and waterways.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10999allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has broad powers in every aspect of the nation. General Frank Salzedo, chief of FEMA's Civil Security Division stated in a 1983 conference that he saw FEMA's role as a "new frontier in the protection of individual and governmental leaders from assassination, and of civil and military installations from sabotage and/or attack, as well as prevention of dissident groups from gaining access to U.S. opinion, or a global audience in times of crisis." FEMA's powers were consolidated by President Carter to incorporate the...
National Security Act of 1947allows for the strategic relocation of industries, services, government and other essential economic activities, and to rationalize the requirements for manpower, resources and production facilities.
1950 Defense Production Actgives the President sweeping powers over all aspects of the economy.
Act of August 29, 1916authorizes the Secretary of the Army, in time of war, to take possession of any transportation system for transporting troops, material, or any other purpose related to the emergency.

International Emergency Economic Powers Act
enables the President to seize the property of a foreign country or national. These powers were transferred to FEMA in a sweeping consolidation in 1979.
Let's just take one of them from the middle of the list. Near, Columbus, OH is a small place called New Rome. There was a WWII internment camp that held German prisoners of war. But recently, razor wire has been installed. There are also new buildings, and loading or unloading bays near railroad tracks. The buildings appear to be some sort of brick barracks with lots of fencing around them. Those loading docks are color code, red, orange, and green. The people around New Rome think it is for overflow from a nearby overcrowded prison in Orient, OH. And most ominously, there is something there that visitors describe as appearing to be crematoriums.
Interestingly, there have also been people who went looking for the place and said they couldn't find it. But on another website, I found an account that said there were underground tunnels near Trabue Road, which is where the barracks were supposed to be. I wonder if it is possible that when the information got out, the place was cleared out, aside from the tunnels. They were supposed to have something to do with Marble Cliff Quarries in Marble Cliff, a suburb of Columbus. Interestingly, Prescott Bush had a mansion there.

The History and Practice of Eugenics, PT 9

The Codex Alimentarius

The altruistic purpose of this commission is in "protecting health of the consumers and ensuring fair trade practices in the food trade, and promoting coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations".

It is run jointly by the Food and Agricultural Organization and the World Health Organization. What actually happens through them is that corporations make more money off of food and control us through food. Obviously, if you control the food, you control the people. The Us is the chair of Codex.

The Codex organization is working toward regulating everything we eat and drink including water. They will implement their regulations in every country that belongs to the World Trade Organization. If these countries do not follow them, then they will face trade sanctions.

Regulations as of December 2009:

* All nutrients (vitamins and minerals) are to be considered toxins/poisons and are to be removed from all food because Codex prohibits the use of nutrients to "prevent, treat or cure any condition or disease"

* All food (including organic) is to be irradiated, removing all toxic nutrients from food (unless eaten locally and raw).

* Nutrients allowed will be limited to a Positive List developed by Codex which will include such beneficial nutrients like Fluoride (3.8 mg daily) developed from environmental waste. All other nutrients will be prohibited nationally and internationally to all Codex-compliant countries .

* All nutrients (e.g., CoQ10, Vitamins A, B, C, D, Zinc and Magnesium) that have any positive health impact on the body will be deemed illegal under Codex and are to be reduced to amounts negligible to humans' health .

* You will not even be able to obtain these anywhere in the world even with a prescription.

* All advice on nutrition (including written online or journal articles or oral advice to a friend, family member or anyone) will be illegal. This includes reports on vitamins and minerals and all nutritionist's consultations.

* All dairy cows are to be treated with Monsanto's recombinant bovine growth hormone.

* All animals used for food are to be treated with potent antibiotics and exogenous growth hormones.

* The reintroduction of deadly and carcinogenic organic pesticides that in 1991, 176 countries (including the U.S.) have banned worldwide including 7 of the 12 worst at the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pesticides (e.g., Hexachlorobenzene, Toxaphene, and Aldrin) will be allowed back into food at elevated levels .

* Dangerous and toxic levels (0.5 ppb) of aflotoxin in milk produced from moldy storage conditions of animal feed will be allowed. Aflotoxin is the second most potent (non-radiation) carcinogenic compound known to man.

* Mandatory use of growth hormones and antibiotics on all food herds, fish and flocks

* Worldwide implementation of unlabeled GMOs into crops, animals, fish and trees.

* Elevated levels of residue from pesticides and insecticides that are toxic to humans and animals.

Some examples of potential permissible safe levels of nutrients under Codex include :

* Niacin - upper limits of 34 mcg daily (effective daily doses include 2000 to 3000 mcgs).

* Vitamin C - upper limits of 65 to 225 mcg daily (effective daily doses include 6000 to 10000 mcgs).

* Vitamin D - upper limits of 5 μg daily (effective daily doses include 6000 to 10000 μg).

* Vitamin E - upper limits of 15 IU of alpha tocopherol only per day, even though alpha tocopherol by itself has been implicated in cell damage and is toxic to the body (effective daily doses of mixed tocopherols include 10000 to 12000 IU).

In 1995, the Food and Drug Administration changed their policy and it stated that international standards, i.e. Codex, would supercede US laws, if US laws were incomplete. This is essentially illegal to make some other governing body superior to US law. But in 2004, the US passed the Central American Free Trade Agreement, which required US regulations to meet Codex standards by 2009.

Effectively, we cannot get rid of these regulations as long as we belong to the WTO. It is believed that the purpose of this, is to control population, through food, with the aid of Big Pharma and the US government. The FAO and WHO estimate that the vitamin regulation will reduce popularized by 3 million.

The more natural things we eat for health or take for health, the more we cut into Big Pharma's profits.

IF proper science were being used, biochemistry would be used to assess nutrients. Instead, Codex uses Risk Assessment, which is a branch of toxicology. Because they want us to view nutrients as toxins.

The Codex Alimentarius Vitamin and Mineral Guideline, can ban high potency vitamins, by setting standards for dosages or supplements added to food extremely low.

The DSHEA, Dietary Supplement Health Education Act of 1994 classifed supplements as food. But Codex supercedes that and calls supplements a drug or toxins, by referring to levels of them as dosages.
So Codex violates a US law with an international law.
I looked around to see what kind of news stories I could find on Codex. I found one that says Argentina joined the International Olive Oil Commission in order to prove that their olive oil was authentic, even though it is different that the oils from Mediterranean countries. The information was found in Codex documents. Things like that are important because the prices of olive oil are down right now.

Despite the fact that Codex has regulations about putting things like GMO's on the market without testing them, that is exactly what happened in the US. And Codex has done nothing about it. So obviously, they are not really out for our best interests, and someone else is calling the shots, like maybe Monsanto.

Greenpeace did a study on the vegetables in our grocery stores and found levels of toxins and chemicals at seven times what Codex allows. Yet where is Codex when they could be useful?

I looked around for some of the more recent videos on Codex alimentarius, so I could post them here.

In 2009, in the mother of all conflicts of interest, Obama appointed Michael Taylor as a senior advisor for the FDA. He had previously served as vice president at Monsanto. Among other things that they do, Monsanto in a leader in GMO, genetically modified foods. He was also the food Czar at the FDA when GMO's were first allowed onto the market, without any testing at all to determine their safety.

Monsanto markets genetically modified corn that is insect resistant. In Europe, six countries from the EU refuse to allow it to be grown in their countries. The EU has been highly resistant towards any GMO's. Corn or corn products are in everything. The Monsanto corn has pesticide in the seeds, and now there are indications that bugs are becoming resistant to the pesticides, so why keep them in there if they don't work or are starting to fail? It is estimated that before they started making this modified corn, it cost farmers about $1 million a year in damaged crops and pesticide costs.

Monsanto's corn is engineered to produce the Cry3Bb1 protein from Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bt, a natural insecticide. There is also SmartStax corn that has an additional chemical from Dow Chemical and Dupont. SmartStax corn has eight different genetically modified traits in it. Prior to it's development, the most any other product had was three. The corn produces six insecticide toxins and is tolerant to 2 herbicides.

Monsanto also makes seeds for corn, soybeans and cotton, that have Round Up in them. But weeds are becoming resistant to that also.

One of their newer products is GMO drought resistant corn. They developed it in partnership with BASF. It was approved earlier this year. The USDA said, "corn and progeny derived from it are unlikely to pose plant pest risks and is no longer to be considered regulated article under APHIS’ Biotechnology Regulations." and "would have no significant impacts, individually or collectively, on the quality of the human environment and will have no effect on federally listed threatened or endangered species, species proposed for listing, or their designated or proposed critical habitats."

The Cornucopia Institute reported that the USDA received almost 45,000 public comments opposed to MON 87460, with only 23 comments in favor. Apparently, this had little or no impact on Obama or Secretary of Agriculture Vilsack.

Now they are wanting to sell corn that is resistant to 2, 4-D, which was the primary ingredient in Agent Orange. If that doesn't sit well with you, the USDA is taking public comments on it, but whether or not your comment will matter is unlikely, given that they didn't listen to people opposed to MON 87460.

When I was growing up, my Grandmother told me how they had a cow that was solely to provide my Dad milk. This would be unpasteurized and unprocessed milk. But the FDA is conducting armed raids on farmers who produce and sell unpasteurized milk. Michael Taylor is responsible for these raids.

Taylor's job at the FDA has been on again off again, because part of the time he works for companies like Monsanto. In1994, he wrote the labeling guidelines for dairy products that have the hormone rBGH in them. So that these products wouldn't be stigmatized, he forced companies that make products without rBGH state on their labels that rGBH wasn't any different than the naturally occurring hormone, so people would think that their product wasn't any better because it didn't contain it.

Before he was able to do this, as a lawyer for Monsanto, he advised them on whether or not it would be legal for states to institute such labeling regulations, and whether or not Monsanto would be able to sue
other companies for telling people that their products were rGBH free. So while in the private sector, he worked out the legalities, and through his public position he worked out the logistics and implemented the program.

Taylor is not the only person who goes in and out the revolving doors between Monsanto, the FDA, and the EPA

Both of my children had trouble tolerating infant formula, so they had to be switched to soy formula. Now soybeans are GMO's and soy allergies went up by 50% when GMO soy products were introduced to the UK. So, if your child is lactose intolerant, or allergic to dairy, and they are allergic to soy, what are you to do, especially if breast feeding wasn't an option. In my case I was on massive doses of antibiotics for a year after my son was born, and the medicine would have passed into breast milk.

One of the types of genetic modifications in food, is antibiotics. We hear all sorts of statements that germs are antibiotic resistant due to doctors over prescribing antibiotics. But is more likely, that the antibiotics in our food cause it. For one thing if those genes transfer to bacteria in your digestive tract, then it would modify the bacteria and make it resistant. Now with the idea that gene transfer is possible, what happens if GMO pesticides in corn transfer within our digestive tract, we would be turning the bacteria inside us into pesticide factories. No tests have been done to see if these GMO genes do transfer, but it is scientifically possible. The American Academy of Environment Sciences doesn't think GMO's are safe. “Several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with GM food,” including infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, faulty insulin regulation, and changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system. The AAEM asked physicians to advise patients to avoid GM foods."

It sounds to me like a good way to lower the population, to make people infertile, vulnerable to disease because of damaged immune systems, increase their risk of diabetes, cause organ damage, and cause them to die early.

At least sugar, fat and salt in food makes it taste better, the GMO's usually don't unless you count the new ones that are specifically made for that out of fetal cells. If someone handed you two boxes, one that contained an all natural herbicide and one that contained an all natural pesticide, would you eat them?

Here's a link to a current news story about people signing petitions to get rid of Michael Taylor.

Here's the petition if you would like to sign it

One of the most telling things I found out about Monsanto GMO's was that they had been busted on the fact that they don't serve them to their employees in their cafeterias. Bill Gates follows the same practice. And so do the Rockefellers

This brings us around to David Rockefeller, and good old Bill and Melinda Gates again. In February 2012, he was at a press conference hyping up his digital revolution of the food supply in Rome. The reporters asked him about GMO's and he replied,"You should go out and talk to people growing rice and say do they mind that it was created in a laboratory when their child has enough to eat?” I suppose right at the moment they were filling their children's bellies, they might not mind, but if you gave them a choice between GMO's and organic food, they wouldn't opt for the GMO's. Their cafeterias are organic too.

AGRA or the Alliance for A Green Revolution in Africa, is jointly funded by the Rockefeller and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations. Thanks to them, cassava, which is a staple food in Africa, is now GMO cassava. Monsanto also introduced GMO corn into Africa through the WEMA or Water Efficient Maize for Africa program. The Bill Gates Foundation and Warren Buffet both supported it. Rockefeller University's website says it only serves rGBH free milk, cage free eggs and organic food. The Gates Foundation owns stock in Monsanto

They are all members of the so called Doomsday Seed Vault in the Arctic. This is a stash of unmodified seeds, ostensibly just in case of some environment catastrophe. But the reality is that they don't want seeds to be sold or grown that they don't have the patents on.

In India, it is being reported that there is an epidemic of suicide among farmers. These farmers are told that they will become rich if they switch to growing GMO crops. But when droughts and other things cause their crops to fail, they are deeply in dept because they have to borrow money to buy these seeds from Monsanto. Their government has encouraged these farmers to opt into GMO crops, because in return for doing so, India received International Money Fund loans back in the eighties and nineties. These loans helped the economy of the cities at the expense of lives.

They were told that they wouldn't have to use pesticides, but instead, their cotton crops were ravaged by boll worms. They were not told that these crops require more water, and then they were hit with droughts.

All through history, farmers have saved seeds to replant next year, but with GMO seeds, they don't produce seeds that can be planted. So, the farmers have to buy new seeds every year. As a result of the plight of these poor Indian farmers, Prince Charles is setting up the Bhumi Vardaan Foundation. It will promote organic crops.

In the US, Monsanto even made sure that farmers who tried to grow crops that would allow them to save seeds for the next year would be penalized for doing so. In 2011, they won a court case that was begun back in 2007 against an Indiana farmer named, Vernon Bowman. They said he infringed on their patent by saving seeds that had some of the Monsanto seeds mixed in with them for replanting. Bowman said he bought the seeds in part of some mixed commodity seeds. Commodity seeds are not required to differentiate between GMO and non GMO seeds.

The court ruled that Monsanto's agreement with farmers prohibits them from selling the progeny of Round Up Ready seeds, that it didn't prohibit the sale of second generation seeds. But farmers are not allowed to plant those same seeds in the ground in order to grow more seeds to sell.

Monsanto has been tracking down farmers all over the Midwest and suing them for saving seeds. They have a toll free hotline where people can make anonymous tips about farmers who are cleaning and saving seeds. The farmers have to sign a contract that says they won't do that, but instead buy new seeds every year from Monsanto. These contracts say how much GMO Round Up Ready acres they plant. Monsanto also runs television and radio adds to encourage people to turn in their neighbors. When they get a tip, they send out detectives to go through the farmers records and over their farms looking for evidence. They look to see how much seed they bought and how much they sold. Monsanto sues the farmers that if feels it can prove have saved seeds. They say the money they will goes to American Farm Bureau for scholarships.

Monsanto says that they are just trying to protect the millions of dollars that they have invested in the research and development of their products. But the National Family Farm Coalition filed a suit, that claims that they are just trying to monopolize the sale of seeds, and that they fix prices so that they can create and maintain this monopoly.

Some of the court cases have claimed that after the second generation of seeds, the patent exhausts itself. Others have claimed that Monsanto cannot patent plants, which self replicate in the first place; saying that patent law was established for machines and things that someone invented.

In 1970, Congress enacted the Plant Variety Protection Act. Under that act, farmers could save seeds. But a Supreme Court case said that companies like Monsanto could patent GMO's

Monsanto is following the lead of Big Pharma with regard to patents. It's patent on the Round Up Ready soy beans is due to run out in 2014. Under normal circumstances, that would allow competition from other companies. But rather than allow that to happen, they have already come up with Round Up Ready 2 and are forcing it on the market, so that the Round Up Ready 1 seed will be obsolete, and they will maintain their monopoly. This is the tactic that pharmaceutical companies use. They will modify an existing medicine slightly, give it a new name and extend their time before the patent runs out. This makes the consumer have to wait years before there is an affordable generic available.

Farmers would like to be able to start saving their seeds when the patent runs out, but it will be difficult to find seeds that only contain Round Up Ready 1, so that they won't violate the patent. Cross pollination is a very real possibility, because even Monsanto can't control the wind, or contamination that occurs via animals. In a bit of false magnanimity, Monsanto says it won't try to keep farmers from saving seed. But they know how hard it will be to find only Round Up Ready 1 seeds, which is why, Monsanto is trying to get the new Round Up Ready on the market now. They also didn't start saying that until the Justice Department started investigating them for antitrust law violation. It has been reported that they were not going to re-license companies to use the RoundUp Ready 1 gene, which will force them to buy the Round Up Ready 2 gene. But with the Justice Department looking at them, they backed down on that, but only in the U.S.

There are farmers who need to be able to establish that their crops are organic, because they sell to companies like Whole Food Market. And they are suing Monsanto, because their GMO's are contaminating their crops, and they say, that Monsanto can then claim their crops are GMO's. So, far they have been unsuccessful, because they have been unable to prove in court that Monsanto threatened them. But if they had gone about it, just by saying that Monsanto had contaminated their crops they might have won. Either way, it is highly doubtful that Monsanto ever intended for their product not to cross pollinate with non GMO fields. And that is significant when you realize that it is not just soy beans, but corn and cotton that they are monopolizing.

Other countries require GMO patents to be renewed periodically, and Monsanto intends to maintain those licenses until 2017. American farmers would not be allowed to sell seeds to those countries, which would probably cause them not to want to grow crops that they can't export.

In 2005, the Brazilian government made GMO soybeans legal. But they did this because it was shown that about 75% of the crops were grown from Round Up Ready seeds, made by Monsanto. Round Up ready crops have been modified so that it can be sprayed on them without hurting the plants.

Since the crops were now legal, Monsanto started charging the farmers 2% of the sales of the soy beans. The amount of farmers growing these GMO soybeans was now up to 85%. And they test all of the crops to make sure who is growing them. If the farmer claims that his crops are not the Round Up Ready soy beans, and they prove that they are, he has to pay 3% of his profits.

Monsanto says that the farmers are getting the Round Up Ready seeds illegally. The Brazilian Association of Seeds and Seedlings, says they are not. In April, the Brazilian courts said that they were charging this 2-3 percent illegally, and ordered them to pay it back. Right now, it is in appeal

Monsanto does not want us using bio-fuels like hemp and sugarcane. Hemp doesn't require insecticides, or phosphate fertilizer. So that would cut down on their profits. Instead, they prefer that we grow their corn, which requires their pesticide.

Whether or not you believe in legalized marijuana/hemp. The reason it is not already legal, may not have anything to do with drug usage. It is estimated that 1 acre of hemp could yield more paper than 2-4 acres of trees. Even though we are living in the digital age, we still need paper, and the demand for it will continue to grow. If we don't find another source for it, we will have massive deforestation. This in turn will have environment results, which ultimately will cause declines in population.

Even cars can and have been made from hemp based plastic. Ford made one in 1941. This hemp plastic is supposed to be 10 times stronger than steel. Only half of the oil we import is for fuel. The other half is for plastic manufacturing. It is ironic that organizations like PETA want us to use pleather, without realizing that by using something that is a petroleum product, we injure far more animals than those who might lose their fur on a farm. And what about the children who starve or get cancer. But save the animals?

Viscoloid Corporation was established in 1900 to make celluloid which was basically plastic. About 25 years later Dupont bought it. Another company that made celluloid was Fiberloid, which was bought out by Monsanto. I.F. Farben's Hoechst-Celanese, also makes plastic. And everyone know that plastic is related to petroleum and therefore the Rockefellers. Round Up is made with Rockefeller fossil fuels, as evidenced by it's chemical name, glyphosate.

I am not sure if I mentioned this before, but Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas used to be a lawyer for Monsanto in the 1970's. He wrote the majority opinion that Monsanto's GMO's were patentable under U.S. patent law.

Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone or rBGH is the Monsanto growth hormone that causes cows to produce more milk. It was approved by the FDA in 1993. The EU, and Canada, as well as other countries have banned it's use. The American Cancer Society says that it is not the rGBH that we should be concerned with but IGF-1, insulin-like growth factor, which is linked to all sorts of cancer. They say it is also in soy milk. This brings up an interesting point, is IGF-1 in Monsantos soy products? It would seem so. IGF-1 is not destroyed by pasteurization.

The FDA prohibits dairies from claiming that milk with rGBH is different than any other milk. Because rGBH injected cows get more mastitis, they have to be given antibiotics. Monsanto was accused of trying to bribe scientists in order to get rBGH milk approved in Canada. Kroger and Walmart have chosen not to sell store brands of milk with rGBH in it.