I can't remember when the first time I heard of HAARP was. At the time it seemed pretty Star Wars to me. I have since come to know it is much more.
There have been unusual weather phenomenon in the last few years that seem to be Apocalyptic to some people. There was the tsunami in Indonesia and the hurricane Katrina, and just as the world began to go about it's business, then Haiti was hit with an earth quake.
Are these just freak occurrences or has someone been manipulating the world's weather? I am not sure at this point, but I do believe the HAARP project bears close watching.
What does it stand for? High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program. It is a joint research venture with funding from the US Air Force, the US Navy, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the University of Alaska. It began in 1993, supposedly to analyze the ionosphere, to see if there was a potential to enhance the radio communication and surveillance tech. It is located on an Air Force site in Gakona, Alaska.
They use a radio frequency transmitter, called the Ionospheric Research Instrument, which are also called ionosphere heaters to “excite” the ionosphere for short periods. They use UHF radar and a flux gate magnetometer to take readings of the changes that happen in the excited part of the ionosphere. The government says that it is no different than any of the other ionosphere heaters which exist in other parts of the world. But this one is much more powerful.
To put the science into a more easily digested form, there is an ionosphere that surrounds the earth's upper atmosphere, approximately 40-60 miles above the earth's surface. In addition to the ozone, it protects us from the sun's harmful rays and global warming. HAARP can shock it with a focused and navigable electromagnetic bolt.
The American government claims that HAARP is for researching weather, but the military is developing it for it's own purposes. Their official website says, that it is for scientific research, primarily for communication studies: "a premier facility for the study of ionospheric physics and radio science,", but why all of the military influence, then? Angels don't play this HAARP by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning, was written about this and, according to it's authors,
“At the highest HF powers available in the West, the instabilities commonly studied are approaching their maximum RF energy dissipative capability, beyond which the plasma process will ‘runaway’ until the next limiting factor is reached.”
The science behind HAARP was thought up by Nicholas Tesla and expanded upon by a Texas physicist named Bernard Eastlund. I am sure they both had good intentions in mind, but as with many good things, it can be used for bad purposes.
It is believed that radio frequencies can be generated which are capable of creating earth quakes and having adverse effects on brain waves as just a couple of the negative uses. Other possible, suspect uses are that it is a surveillance system, and can destroy aircraft in mid-air.
Geophysicist Gordon J.F. MacDonald, a specialist in problems of warfare, says accurately-timed, artificially-excited electronic strokes could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain legions of the earth . . . in this way one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period.”
In other words it could be used to control our minds and behavior. Everyone has heard about the government's research with LSD in the 1960's.
Zbigniew Brzezinski was the NSA adviser to Jimmy Carter, science adviser to President Johnson, and political adviser to President Obama. He predicted in 1970 that HAARP could be used for “a more controlled and directed society” linked to technology.
How could it control your brainwaves? Well when these waves are reflected back towards the earth, they are in the form of ELF, or Extremely Low Frequency waves. This is another good thing with evil potential. ELF is usually used so that submarines can communicate. They could also help locate underground bunkers of our enemies, as well as their submarines, and locate missiles. But you might be paralyzed if you happened to be in the way.
There is also the capability of interrupting everyone else's communication, except the military's.
One of the strange things about the Haitian earthquake is the fact that only Haiti was hit. Haiti is one end of the island of Hispaniola. The other end, the Dominican Republic was not affected in the same way. When was the last time you heard of an island only being affected by anything on just one end?
Being a paranoid person, I don't believe much in coincidences. Supposedly, on Monday, just prior to the earthquake, Jean Demay, the technical manager for DISA(Defense Information Systems Agency) just happened to be in Florida preparing to test their system, a test which involved a hypothetical hurricane in Haiti. This agency is supposedly set up to coordinate relief efforts for natural disasters. The earthquake hit on Tuesday and they had their website up and running by Wednesday to coordinate the relief efforts. Gee, do you think maybe somebody knew ahead of time that something was going to happen?http://www.nextgov.com/nextgov/ng_20100115_9940.php This agency was developed in part by the department of defense. Robert Gates is the Secretary of Defense and he headed up the relief efforts. It's rather strange for the Department of Defense to head up humanitarian efforts.
There were reports in the news that the U.S was mostly interested in occupying Haiti instead of helping it. http://edition.presstv.ir/detail/116347.html If ever there was a government that had experienced the interference of America, it would be Nicaragua.
Jesse Ventura, former Governor of Minnesota, did an episode of his Conspiracy Theory show, and several other good questions were brought up, such as where does the power for such a high powered transmission come from? There is no evidence of smoke or steam coming from the facility.
There are a few other things to keep in mind. When Tesla first proposed the idea, it became referred to as a death ray. Tesla was Russian.
If you would like to see some video on the subject, go to YouTube, and here are some of my favorites.
Jesse Ventura http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZOt29NR0FY
Jesse Ventura part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLUUX6GU8U4&NR=1
This one shows something that may be Russian HAARP in Romania
This was in Norway
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