Friday, April 22, 2011


The police department in Memphis, TN began using new high tech equipment on their cruisers that scans license plates in 2010. This equipment sends the information to the dashboard computers inside the patrol car, and also to crime centers which monitor the information. Supposedly, this is to check for things like outstanding warrants, if the car is stolen, or if the driver is a convicted felon. The BBC has reported that this system would be national in Britain.


The Department of Homeland Security provides part of the funding for this equipment. DHS has been implementing procedures to find potential terrorists since the WTC bombing, or at least that is it's excuse. The problem is that the things that they consider to be suspicious behavior are things we all do on a daily basis. Have you ever publicly taken notes, or draw a diagram?How about taking photos or video? It's interesting that the government is allowed to take video of you, but if you take video, you might be considered suspicious.


DHS says they have policies in place and train their employees to keep private information from being abused. They do assessments on the information to determine if it infringes on privacy or if it is unnecessary information, and if so, it is not stored in their data bases. In an interview with CNN, Frances Townsend, former Homeland Security Adviser, stated that they, meaning the government could not "possibly retain all that information." But even she had no idea whether or not the training on the state and local levels was as good on privacy issues as it supposedly is on the federal level.


The United Kingdom, uses it's CCTV cameras to log every trip made by cars that pass by it's cameras and keeps the information for two years at a time. If our government keeps this information for that long, would you want them to know every trip you make during a two year period of time? It has also been reported by the BBC that people who do things like attend anti war rallies have been pulled over and questioned for being on a watch list.


Let's consider a hypothetical situation, suppose your husband is a jerk and he has spent time in the penitentiary. Now, you are driving through Memphis, minding your own business. Mr. Neighborhood Nazi, oops, I mean, Police Officer, comes up behind you and his computer tells him that your husband has prior arrests for gun possession, stolen cars, and driving without a license. Who wants to bet your makeup, is going to get messed up, when your face hits the pavement, because Mr. Police Officer is a little jumpy because the last guy he tried to give a ticket, reached toward his glove-box and pulled out a gun?


In the Soviet Union, all mail, phone calls and social gatherings could be monitored. The government was supposed to be protecting the people, but 61 million people died as a result of the Soviet government.






The information on so called suspicious behavior goes to "fusion centers" and is shared by DHS, and the FBI, as well as other agencies.


How does the government monitor us? One of the methods used is by diverting information gathered from major cell phone carriers such as ATT to government computers to be analyzed. I have also seen videos on where people have bought cable boxes and opened them up, only to find that they have cameras equipped with microphones inside them. The average American can purchase software and install it on someone's cellphone and then spy on them in real time. Want to bet that the government doesn't do that? If regular Joe's are tempted to do it, then why wouldn't a government employee?


There are even new digital electric meters, that can tell people when you get up, come home, go to bed, what appliances you use and how often.


Everyone is aware of the full body scans being performed by the TSA in order to take a flight.


The Anti Counterfeiting Trade Agreement gives U.S. and European governments the right to search your computer under the guise of looking for breach of copy right. Breach of copyright used to be a civil matter, not a criminal matter. Why is P2P sharing of music a national security risk? Whether or not you think it is wrong, it's not a government matter. Of course the big software and music companies will profit from having the government enforce things, so they don't mind if we get trampled upon.


The military also has M.A.V.'s which are Micro Air Vehicles; small flying robots that can move around in urban areas more easily than other unmanned vehicles and blend into the environment undetected.


The government wants people to get RFID chips in their drivers licenses, in border states, supposedly to make border crossings safer and quicker. But people can buy handheld RFID scanners and read your license for their own purposes. Some credit cards have them in them too, and IBM has a patent on devices to be placed in public places like bathrooms to track you for "marketing purposes." I'm sure if they just don't sell that information to the government, the government will find a way to obtain it.


CAIC and SAIC are companies that surveillance is outsourced to. It has been estimated that 70% of the budget for intelligence is outsourced, around 50 Billion dollars. The purpose of outsourcing, is because private corporations don't have to follow the same rules and regulations that government agencies do, and they don't have to report to Congress.


You should watch the Jesse Ventura episode about surveillance. There is a government contracted inventor on it, who demonstrates a device that can put noise or voices in your head that nobody else can hear. He also talks about the MAV's that look like flies, and polygraphs being done remotely.


If your car has OnStar, you might want to consider what it is worth to you. Even without it, you can still be tracked. The Justice Department says that you have, "no reasonable expectation of privacy', if you are traveling on a public road. They had a case overturned on appeal, because they had put GPS tracking on a man's car.


What about your frequent shopper card? They collect your shopping information and use it for more than to give you discounts. You might want to read this before you buy groceries the next time.


Infraguard is given information by the government and in return, Infraguard gives the government information. There are businesses and members of state and local government who are members and are spying on us and ratting us out to the government. The members are bankers, members of the agriculture field, and public utilities, as well as state and local law enforcement. If the government thinks there might be a threat to utilities or to the food supply, Infraguard members find out about it long before we do.


This week information has been widely reported that Apple and Google has been collecting tracking information with their phones. And then there is a device called a Universal Forensic Extraction Device, that can take all of your information off of your phones. There are concerns that this information can be used for racial profiling because blacks and Latinos use their cell phones more than whites do.



My sources for some of this information are reliable.


Wall Street Journal


Wall Street Journal


This one is about the recent news that Apple has been keeping the tracking info your phone sends them for months. And Google Android phones automatically track you unless you turn it off in the settings.


Computer World


If you go to this link, you will find a whole page about internet security and information mining, as well as several ways to avoid it.



None of us are immune. The reason former Governor Jesse Ventura became so interested in conspiracies, was because he was questioned by the CIA. The CIA is not supposed to operate within the U.S. If a governor can be questioned/interrogated by the CIA, then you are not safe.


When the government says they are going to protect us, why don't they use a condom? They are after all, preparing to rape you.

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