Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The History and Practice of Eugenics, PT. 7

The History and Practice of Eugenics

Up to this point, I have covered history, which might seem somewhat distant to you. Now I am going to cover information from the 1970's to the present, so that you might see that this is a current issue you should be concerned with.

In January 1973, The Supreme Court ruling on Roe vs. Wade legalized abortion. And then the Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights was formed with financial backing to the tune of $115,000, from the Rockefeller Foundation. It was organized by the United Methodist Church. It is now called the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.

White House Tape 697/29--March 30, 1972

NIXON: A majority of people in Colorado voted for abortion, I think a majority of people in Michigan are for abortion, I think in both cases, well, certainly in Michigan they will vote for it because they think that what's going to be aborted generally are little black bastards.

White House Tape 700/10--April 3, 1972

NIXON: I told you--we talked about it earlier--that a hell of a lot of people want to control the Negro bastards.

...we're talking really--and what John Rockefeller really realizes--look, the people in what we call our class control their populations. Sometimes they'll have a family of six, or seven, or eight, or nine, but it's exception. People who don't control their families are people in -- the people that shouldn't have kids.

In 1969, UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,
said that a Federal Population Commission "with a large budget for propaganda" should be created, and that tax laws should be changed "to discourage reproduction and instituting mandatory birth control instruction in public schools."

Richard Nixon created the Commission on Population Growth and the American Future. The bill had been supported by most of the Democratic party, and John D. Rockefeller was it's chairman. It's executive Director was Charles F. Westoff, a member of the American Eugenics Society and Planed Parenthood's National Advisory Council.

William Draper was a Vice President of Planned Parenthood, and had raised over $4 million dollars for the organization. In 1969 he was the US representative for the UN Population Commission. "to cure the present ghetto problem and deal with the population question among the poorer parts of our own population here in the United States will require valiant and much greater efforts than any exerted in the past."

In 1963, Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Fulbright bill, and made it law, within a few weeks of becoming President. It funded international population research. He was the first President who supported federal support of birth control through welfare and public health programs. He did this because of the urging of Texas Republican Representative, George H.W. Bush. He said, "America's progress toward a society of decency has been marked and measured by our attitudes toward the role and toward the rights of women." In 1966 Planned Parenthood Federation of American gave him the Margaret Sanger Award, for his foreign policy on family planning in foreign countries.

Dwight B. Eisenhower said, in 1965, that "society will find itself in the curious situation of spending money with the one hand to slow up population growth among responsible families and with the other providing financial incentive for increased production by the ignorant, feeble-minded or lazy." He also said that "history would rightly condemn us", if we didn't make welfare contingent on family planning.

Both he and Harry S. Truman were fund raisers for Planned Parenthood.

In 2009, Nancy Pelosi said that the Economic Stimulus Package should also fund population control to save the government from having to pay for health care and education for poor children.

In 1970, Planned Parenthood was the 19th largest health fund raising agency in the US, after the American Heart Association and American Cancer Society. But in 2000, they were third. This is largely due to government funding.

The Laurence G. Pauquin Middle School clinic was the first site for Norplant implantation; Out of 350 girls who received the implant, 345 were black. The first 100 clinics opened to use the implant were in minority schools. Norplant was developed by the Population Council of New York. John D. Rockefeller was it's first president. Frank Notestein and Frederick Osborn were members of the American Eugenics Society. Frank Notestein was on the National Advisory Council on Planned Parenthood.

In 1970, Alan Guttmacher,President of Planned Parenthood and one time V.P. of the American Eugenics Society, said,
"If you're going to curb population, it's extremely important not to have it done by the damned Yankees, but by the UN. Because, the thing is, then it's not considered genocide. If the United States goes to the black man or the yellow man and says slow down your reproductive rate, we're immediately suspected of having ulterior motives to keep the white man dominant in the world. If you can send in a colorful UN force, you've got much better leverage."

In 1974, The National Security Study Memorandum 200. It was the official US policy on population control around the world. The memorandum went to The Secretaries of Defense, Agriculture, the Director of the CIA, The Deputy Secretary of State, and the Administrator of the Agency for International Development. One of the goals was to reduce population in 3rd World countries so that there was no interruption in the supply of minerals from foreign countries. It said that no country had reduced its population without resorting to abortion. It was estimated that 30 million pregnancies would be terminated around the world. About 7 percent of the world population live in countries where abortion is prohibited and 12 percent live in countries where it is only used to save the life of the mother. It said that AID had helped a number of private family planning organizations which included Plane Parenthood to expand their worldwide population programs.

The memorandum suggested withholding aid to disaster stricken countries unless they implement birth control.

In 1977, Dr. R.T. Ravenholt, Director of the US Office of Population said in an interview with the St. Louis Post Dispatch,that the U.S. intended to try to sterilize of 1/4 of the women in the world because it protected U.S. economic interests, and that if goals were met, as many as 100 million women might be sterilized.

"In some countries, however, 'political sensitivity' makes it impossible for the US to negotiate such agreements. In those cases, he said, efforts are made to set up population programs under the aegis of
other organizations, such as the United Nations Fund for Population Activities and the International Planned Parenthood Federation. Both groups receive heavy US funding."

Ravenholt was given an award from Planned Parenthood for innovation and vision in the population field.

Henry Kissinger , while serving as chief foreign policy adviser, personally helped Planned Parenthood to set up an abortion counseling service for Vietnamese refugees at Camp Pendleton, in California, although they hadn't asked for the service and most of them were against abortion.

There was an abortion training program conducted by the Agency for International Development, which operated under the State Department. Henry Kissinger refused to stop this when people complained;even though it was against the law, to use foreign aid funds for that purpose.

President Bill Clinton issued an executive order two days after he was sworn in, to that allowed federally funded agencies to refer women to abortion clinics, thereby repealing Bush administration bans on abortion counseling in by those agencies. Military hospitals were also to be allowed to perform abortions. American money could now, also be used again to fund UN population programs.

In September of 2005, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation awarded $1 million dollars to Planned Parenthood for Hurricane Katrina Evacuees. It was played off as being because women had had to leave behind their medicines like birth control pills. But everyone knows that more of the evacuees were black.

On page 59 of the book, RU 486, Misconceptions Myths and Morals, by Janice G. Raymond, Renate Klein, Lynette J. Dumble The Abortion Pill was originally developed by the NIH and the Center of Population Research as a "means to inhibit corpus luteum functions" as "a desirable goal." The specific intention of such research was to restrict population growth in countries that were judged to be 'under developed.' If successful, the method(s) could be extended to groups in the United States--Black, Hispanic and Native American Women (Department of Health, Education and Welfare, NIH, USA, 1969)

American companies would not produce RU 486, so the Chinese Hus Lian Pharmaceutical factory produced it, as reported in the Washington Post October 12, 2000. But the Rockefeller Foundation helped the company to upgrade its equipment and train its staff to meet international standards so that it could export the drug. It provided $2 million dollars to The Concept Foundation that was established by the WHO and World Bank in 1989 and also provided aid.

Hiechst A.G.(formerly I.G. Farben, and manufacturer of Zyklon B) has a subsidiary in France called Roussel Uclaf, which developed RU-486. Both companies are connected to the Rockefeller Foundation.

Edward Allred owns one of the largest chains of abortion clinics in the US. He said in 1980, "The Aid
to Families with Dependent Children is the worst boondoggle ever created. When a sullen black woman of 17 or 18 can decide to have a baby and get welfare and food stamps and become a burden to all of us, it's time to stop. In parts of South Los Angeles, having babies for welfare is the only industry people have."

His clinics took referrals from Planned Parenthood, major community referral groups and private physicians as well as UC Medical Center. He said that,"We do virtually all the prepaid health care groups abortions in Orange County.

Although Planned Parenthood and other eugenics organizations never had making money as their ultimate goal, in 2006 Planned Parenthood made a profit of over 60 million dollars. And received 350 million dollars from the US government. In 2009 they received around 1 million dollars a day, from American taxes. Tax money went to fund the website, Take Care Down, which is pretty offensive. It had a video that shows a black man performing oral sex on a white man, and another man walks up and begins telling them they should use a condom. Is it significant that the black man is the one servicing the white man?

Drugs, alcohol and tobacco have been shown to be targeted at black communities. Alveda King, the daughter of Martin Luther King, Jr. "Today the vast majority of Planned Parenthood Clinics are located in our neighborhoods. Are we really so naive to believe that this is all a coincidence? We all know that drugs, alcohol and tobacco are devastating, especially in the black community. We know that the big corporations target us with the adds and the marketing campaigns. And yet we don't notice that Planned Parenthood is doing the very same thing. We need to pay attention to the fact that in the 1960's, when we as African Americans began to demand our Civil Rights, for the first time in American History, there began a widespread cry in our government for legalized abortion. Was that coincidence too?
Or could it be that when we said we would no longer sit on the back of the bus, a place was being reserved for us down at the abortion clinic.

Alex Jones has said on his show that in countries that are industrialized, their start to be 1.3 children per couple. And then he pointed out what should be obvious, when you think about it. 1.3 isn't even replacement of the 2 parents. So if that continued indefinitely, people would go extinct in industrialized countries.

Historically, we look to the Supreme Court to protect us from unjust court rulings. But as we have previously seen, the Supreme Court Justices on the bench with Oliver Wendell Holmes were eugenicists at heart. We still have Justices that are of like mind.

In 2009 Ruth Bader Ginsburg made the comment that, "Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion. Which some people felt would risk coercing women into having abortions when they didn’t really want them. But when the court decided McRae, the case came out the other way. And then I realized that my perception of it had been altogether wrong.

That sounds rather elitist, but she then went on to say, "The basic thing is that the government has no business making that choice for a woman." That sounds like she believes women should make the choice, but do the two comments taken together mean she thinks that poor women or whatever she was referring to as "populations we don't want goo many of" should be encouraged to make that choice?

Instead of using terms like Social Darwinism, and Racial Hygiene, we now use terms like sustainability, conservationism, environmentalism, trans-humanism, and population control. At this time the term crypto-eugenics came into being because scientists went underground with their beliefs.
The human genome has been mapped. We now have prenatal testing, and preimplantation genetic diagnosis, therapeutic cloning, stem cell therapy, and the list will continue to grow. While in many ways these things are beneficial, there remains the potential for them to be abused. We have to ensure that scientists and government, realize that they are accountable for this science being used in a responsible manner.

China has a one child per family policy, and they adopted it because Planned Parenthood and the United Nations encouraged them to do so. If families have more children, they face heavy fines and being imprisoned. This plan was implemented in a gradual fashion. Back in the 1960's if you had more than one child, you just had to pay a tax, and were not imprisoned. There are 30 Million more men in China than there are women. This is because culturally, they prefer male children, and abort female children. The lack of female children is drastically lowering China's population. Genetics is important in China. Dissidents are sent to forced labor camps, where they have their blood and tissues typed so that their organs can be harvested and sold to the highest bidder on the world market. Sometimes, if the proposed recipient of the organ wants to fly to China to have the implant, the prisoner is killed so the organ can be implanted. But if not, they have mobile execution vans and the prisoner is killed on the way to the air port and the organ is sent to the buyer. It has been reported that China euthanizes the elderly and disabled routinely. The reason nothing is done about it is that our leaders support it. Henry Kissinger, for instance, said in 1974, "Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy toward the third world." They want to spread this tyranny and depopulation around the rest of the world.

Julian Huxley argued that since eugenicists had come up with the ideas of environmentalism and conservation, they should be used to form a world government. They want a world like H.G. Wells described that is governed by the scientific community, and through the use of eugenics. Did you know that the WWF, World Wildlife Fund was founded by a former S.S. officer named Prince Bernhard from the Netherlands, Prince Philip(Queen Elizabeth II's husband) and Julian Huxley? The Prince is also supposed to be a key founder of the Bilderberg Group. Some of the things these people say are mind boggling. Prince Philip reportedly told the Deutsche Press in 1988, "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation." Well he hasn't died yet, but we do have quite a few relatively new and deadly viruses.

Bertrand Russell said, "Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton." He also wrote that vaccines and other chemicals would effectively lobotomize people and develop a zombie-like populace. "Diet, injections and injunctions will combine from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable. And any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible." (From The Impact of Science on Society)

Julian Huxley had a brother named Aldous Huxley, who wrote Brave New World, which was amazingly prophetic. During a speech at Berkeley in 1962, he admitted that when he wrote it, it was not based on fiction but on what he knew that the elite who were in power had planned for us. He said that his Brave New World pattern would most likely be the way that the scientific dictatorship was implemented, rather than the Orwellian world of 1984, simply because it was more efficient. "If you can get people to consent to the state of affairs in which they are living, the state of servitude, the state of being, well it seems to me that the nature of the ultimate revolution with which we are now faced is precisely this, that we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques, which will enable the controlling oligarchy which have always existed and presumably always will exist, to get people to actually love their servitude, where people can be made to enjoy a state of affairs which by any decent standard they ought not to enjoy. And these methods, I think, are a real refinement on the older methods of terror because they combine methods of terror with methods of acceptance. Within the various other methods which one can think of, there is for example the pharmacological method. This was one of the things I talked about in Brave New World, and the result would be that, I mean you can imagine the euphoric which would make people thoroughly happy even in the most abominable circumstances. I mean these things are possible."

It is not known by most people that our public school system was established not to educate more people but to dumb them down, so that they would be easier to control.

It is a not so well known fact that several countries have used nerve gas on their own people in experiments. And people in hospitals in the US have been injected with radioactive materials like uranium and plutonium. Hospitals were commissioned by the government to give these healthy people doses which were sometimes non-therapeutic all the way up to lethal. This experimentation was conducted between 1944 and 1994. The pregnant wives of military men were given what they thought were vitamins, which actually contained uranium and plutonium. The mothers miscarried and died. Soldiers were used in hydrogen and atomic bomb tests. I have no doubt that some of these men would have volunteered to submit to this experiment in the interest of their country, if they had been given the choice. Instead, they were treated as if they were mere lab rats in return for doing their patriotic duty, and denied the choice.

There were also Sephardic Jewish children, who were darker skinned than other Jews, subjected to radiation experiment as well. English people had biological agents like sarin, chemicals and radioactive materials sprayed above their country secretly, between 1940 and 1979 over 2000 times. South Africa developed race specific bio weapons and sold them to Israel back in the 1970's. These weapons targeted blacks and Asians.

Dick Cheney was quoted as promoting race specific bio weapons as politically useful tools, in a report from 2000, by The Project For A New American Censure.

Within the US, in 1979, the Pentagon tested bio-weapons in the subways in New York. And monitored the effects in local hospitals. Pesticides are being tested on low income children, due to EPA loopholes which allow it. There have been AIDS and other experimental drugs tested on foster children. Prisoners in US jails have been forced to be experimented on with chemicals and drugs. It has been estimated that the average foster child is on a cocktail of on average seven psychotropic drugs. Joe Burkett, Chairman of the Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians, told an advisory committee subcommittee on income security and family support, during hearings to discuss the use of psychotropic drugs for children in the foster care system, that the main reason two-thirds of foster children were on drugs was because they were very sick due to a bad gene pool and were predisposed to mental illness. In 2007, The Guardian in the UK reported that unborn fetuses considered to be at risk of becoming criminals were to be targeted. Supposedly, their mothers were to be given "intensive weekly support from midwives and health visitors" from the 16th week of pregnancy, "until the unborn child reaches two years old." The article says that the program was copied from three large programs in the US. Another article says that most crime is committed by a small number of prolific offenders who could be identified almost from birth, and that the net should be cast as widely as possible to prevent criminality from developing. They are keeping databases on families in order to sift out undesirable criminality. Some of the behaviors they are looking for, you or I would consider normal in children, such as short attention span, or being aggressive toward other children. The article does not say if they are looking for abnormal levels of these behaviors, just the existence. Children ages 8-13 would be referred to Youth Inclusion and Support Panels if they are considered to be potential offenders and their data will be held in databases.  There have been news reports that think tanks in the UK have said that having more than one or two children should be frowned upon because too many children are what is causing all of the bad stuff like global warming. The British Commission on Population created by King George VI of England, in 1944, stated that overpopulation in 3rd World countries was a threat to elite governments like the US and UK. But they are not alone in that opinion.

National Security Memorandum 200 from 1974 decided that overpopulation in 3rd world countries was a national security issue. Kissinger came up with a plan in which the population of 13 countries were to have massive population reduction. His recommendation was that International Monetary Fund and world banks only loan money to these countries under the condition that they adopt population control programs, which included sterilization. He also felt that food should be used as a bargaining chip to get them to comply, basically as a weapon. He also suggested that wars be instigated to reduce population.

George H.W. Bush was the U.S. Ambassador to the UN under the Nixon administration. He advised China on the One child per family policy. He was also responsible for directing the government to forcibly sterilize 40% of Native American women living on reservations.

There are many organizations involved in this. The Club of Rome which is associated with the Bilderberg Group, recommended environmentalism be used as the method for population control, because they believed that people in the West would accept the idea of population control if it were disguised as saving the Earth. They also believe that people will be more willing to give up national sovereignty if it is to save the Earth. They promote the global carbon tax and trading in carbon shares to fund their implementation of a global government.

The UN Global Biodiversity Assessment says that population has to be reduced from about six million down to around one million.

Newsweek reported that Ted Turner pledged to give over one billion dollars to the UN to spend on population reduction all over the world. During an interview with Audubon Magazine, he said, "A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95 percent decline from present levels, would be ideal."  

When Bill Gates announced that he would be retiring so that he could pursue charitable causes, I thought it was an admirable thing. But he and his wife Melinda have donated 2.2 Billion in 1999, to Planned Parenthood, the UN Population Fund, and other population groups. They have given over 30 billion dollars towards population control. This has been played off as an effort to help 3rd World children. Warren Buffet has given 37 Billion to population control groups.

"And I actually think the world will be better when there's only 10 or 20 percent of us left." (Dr. Eric Pianka) He is a professor at the University of Texas, and he has said that AIDS was too slow at killing people and that Ebola would work better, killing 90% of the population quickly. Some of his students came out to support him saying that all humans should be killed. He also said, "China was able to turn the corner and become the leading world super power because they have a police state and they are able to force people to stop reproducing."

While there are some immensely helpful things that have come from and are yet to come from the fields of genetics, nano technology and robotics, they have been funded by eugenicists from the early days of their development. They now call themselves trans-humanists or post humanists. They say they are bringing sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf and geneticists believe they can give humans the ability to live longer lives. But the origin of trans-humanism is Julian Huxley. Ray Kurzweil is an inventor and has been involved in OCR(Optical Character Reading) technology, text to speech, and speech recognition technology. But he has also written several books on health, trans-humanism, and artificial intelligence. Trans-humanists like him believe in using technology and science to among other things allow people to live longer, enhance human intelligence. Julian Huxley wrote in 1957, that trans-humanism was "man remaining man, but transcending himself, by realizing new possibilities of and for his human nature". But make no mistake, they don't believe that all of us are going to be able to do that, and many of them want to make sure we aren't all here to do so. They say they believe in using technology to improve the human condition, eliminate aging, enhancing human intellect, and simultaneously, some of them study what the promises or dangers of this technology might be and the ethics of it. Obviously, if we eliminate aging, we will have to stop reproducing or we will run out of room and resources if nobody ever dies. That is where trans-humanism meets eugenics. This Brave New World is not intended for all of us. Kursweil has said, "Biological evolution is too slow for the human species, over the next few decades it's going to be left in the dust."

"The elite who occupy the commanding heights of digital reality are suicidal nihilists. Suicidal nihilists know that there is no longer any substantive purpose to their willing. But they would always prefer to go on will than to not act at all. They can very happily ally themselves with a notion of nuclear holocaust or perfect exterminism." (Arthur Kroker)

While they tell us that they are trying to create an evolved future society, what they really want to do, it take us back to the feudal system of the Middle Ages, when there was no middle class, and there were only two classes, the elite and those who exist solely to serve them.
I am not quite sure where the proper place to insert this information would be. Between 1973 and 1976, there were 3406 Native American women sterilized in the western states. If you compared this by ratio to non-Native American women, it would be like sterilizing 452,000 of them. These sterilizations were conducted by the Indian Health Service and by those who contracted with them to perform the operations. This figure was arrived at by the Government Accounting Office, but there were problems with who they counted. Independent studies estimated that somewhere between 25 and 50 percent of Native American women were sterilized between 1970 and 1976. Many of these women were coerced into submitting to the procedures, by physicians.

On one Navajo, reservation, between 1972-1978 the rate of abortions went up by 130% and sterilization went up from 15% to 30% of total surgeries performed on the reservation. Women were threatened with loss of government healthcare benefits to any future children they might have and or losing custody of the children they already had.(Center For Bioethics and Humanity, Trinity International University(

This travesty of justice, first came to light when a young Indian woman went to see Dr. Connie Pinkerton-Uri, in Los Angeles. She wanted to have a womb transplant. Apparently, the doctor who had given her a hysterectomy, because she suffered from alcoholism, told her that the surgery was reversible. 

When Dr. Uri checked the records of tubal ligation’s and hysterectomies, she found that 75% were non-therapeutic,i.e. unnecessary.(Kurt Kaltreider, PH.D. "American Indian Prophecies." p. 71. )

Emery A. Johnson, who was the director of the IHS during the 1970's, told a congressional committee in 1975 that IHS "considered non-therapeutic sterilization a legitimate method of family planning... We are not aware of any instance in which such services have been abused."  

George H.W. Bush signed the Family Planning Act that resulted in the sterilization and abortions being performed on both Native Americans and African Americans. It legalized federal funding for the programs.

At the same time that the GAO was conducting it's investigation on how many women were affected, it stated that the consent forms did not comply with regulations.

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