One of the
biggest questions people have about Masonry is, "Why there is a
necessity for secrecy?"
If their teachings convey some truth not already apparent, then why not share this knowledge with the world?Men have been asking this question for a long time. The following quote by Bishop Dupanloup, is quoted in: Luciferianism or Satanism In English Freemasonry: An Essay, by L. Fouquet, O.M.I. 1898
If their teachings convey some truth not already apparent, then why not share this knowledge with the world?Men have been asking this question for a long time. The following quote by Bishop Dupanloup, is quoted in: Luciferianism or Satanism In English Freemasonry: An Essay, by L. Fouquet, O.M.I. 1898
as it is for men to believe that it is so diabolical abroad, it is
harder still, it is simply impossible for them to think it other than
a mere 'friendly society' at home when thousands well known for their
principles, for honor and honesty of purpose in their own circles,
have willingly, nay gladly, placed their names on the rolls of its
various English Lodges. Englishmen, loyal and Protestant, could never
lend themselves or their names to support the ends for which
Freemasonry is said to exist; yet many such are actually Masons, and
sworn members of that society which is so numerous and so wide spread
abroad. That society then cannot be the evil it is said to be, or
else Freemasonry here is not the same as elsewhere; this latter would
appear to be the general opinion and to rest upon the basis of
something like fact; for the craft is too wary to overlook the
English character an obstacle to its own final success, and to
cautious therefore to admit any but those who have been well tried
and sounded to a knowledge of its present actions and future aims.
Here as abroad, the multitude of the brotherhood have little more
idea of the
scope of Freemasonry than the general public has: THEY ARE KEPT AT
THE FAMILY. Men are slow to allow that they can be duped and it will
be no easy matter to get those who have joined it to relinquish their
membership or to deter those from joining it who are so inclined, on
the strength of what certainly is, to say the least of it, a well
founded suspicion of dark dealing; but the question is not a matter
of mere judgment or prudence; it is one of morality and conscience."
are not the only religion to revere Jesus. Muslims, while not
believing that he was the Son of God, do hold him to be a great
teacher and prophet. Jesus' teachings contrast with the secrecy of
Masonry. In John 18:20 Jesus said, "I have always taught in
synagogues and in the temple, where all Jews come together."
"For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible, And
nothing secret that will not be known and come to Light." Luke
8:17. The message is clear, Jesus did not keep part of his teachings
secret, only revealing them to a certain elite few.
There is a
difference between Satanism and Luciferianism that only exists in the
minds of their followers. Satanists have similar beliefs to the
Christian doctrine; that Lucifer became Satan when he fell. But
Luciferians believe that Lucifer is the true God.
Satanists and Luciferians agree that mankind has been oppressed by
God forcing us to do his bidding. Satanists say that there is no such
thing as "good" and "evil" and therefore it is
alright to do the things that society calls evil. Luciferianism
pretends to be good. But they still teach that God is an imposter and
that "good" comes from doing things that are contrary to
mainstream morality, just as Satanists do. They just don't admit that
what they are doing is bad. Instead, they say that the rest of the
world has what is "good" and "evil" reversed
because we are worshiping the wrong God.
The Bible
says that we have been given our path to true freedom, rather than
being oppresssed. "And you shall know the Truth, and the Truth
shall set you free.: John 8:32
The reality
is that Satan is just the new name given to the angel that was know
as Lucifer before he was cast into hell for his rebellion. The major
difference between the two groups is that Satanists openly tell their
converts and anyone else who it is that they are worshiping and
believe that they can call Satan and other demons into their
ceremonies. Whereas, Luciferians lead initiates to believe that they
are doing good and even encourage members to practice the worship of
God in the beginning. Then they gradually begin slipping their
doctrine in by revealing that there are other deeper meanings to what
they have already been taught.
say they are teaching truth and enlightenment and that it doesn't
matter what the source of this knowledge is. This is contrary to the
Biblical concept that you can be corrupted by learning evil
The story
of Adam and eve teaches that man was not intended to have the
knowledge of "good" and "evil" and that sin
entered the world because Satan said, "Ye shall surely not
die...for then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods,
knowing good and evil."
So what
does Satanism and Luciferianism have to do with Scottish Rite
Masonry? Manly P. Hall wrote, "Freemasonry is a philosophy which
is essentially creedless. Its' brothers bow to truth regardless of
the bearer; they serve light instead of wrangling over the one who
brings it..."
Keep in
mind that Lucifer means, "Light Bringer."
What does
Luciferianism claim to be?
Luciferian is an individual who recognizes the common characteristics
of the archetype of the Adversary, both from a masculine and feminine
perspective. The Luciferian does not worship Satan or necessarily
believe in it--a Luciferian does not believe in theChristian black
and white symbolism of sin and redemption. The Adversary is a
transcultural archetype which has existed long before Christianity
began. Satan is merely a title meaning "Adversary" or
"Opposer". The Luciferian relates these definitions as the
empowering rebel, the spirit which stands against a slave creating
religion no matter which it is. The Luciferian views the Adversary
from many different cultrues, from Samael the Angel of Lawlessness,
Ahriman, a sorcerous God of Darkness who creates and destroys and so
on. The Luciferian knows that this God is only recognizable within,
that Lucifer is a collective name for a path of religious and
spiritual freedom based on the instinct of the practitioner.
Adversary is also feminine. Lilith is the fiery bride of
Samael,together they are the Adversary and Beast, they bow to no
other beings, spiritual or otherwise, create their own children
(demons,Lilim, etc) and make their own worlds (Qlippoth, hell, etc)
to dwell in. It is known in a transcultural perspective that Samael
or Satan by title is the Prince of Powers of the Air which he holds
in this world.
understand the feminine aspects of the Adversary, the female Satan if
you will, you must understand instinct. Instinct is the most
important aspect of the Luciferian; it is the start of motion and the
very continuation of it. This is survival and Self-Preservation.
Instinct is also driven by base emotions, thus at times it must be
kept in check.
hunger is based on the need for survival and the continuation of
consciousness in time; feeling the self is valuable and the desire to
become something stronger and more powerful." (The Bible of the
Adversary, Page 30 Michael Ford, 2008)
Despite the
fact that Masons claim not to be a religion, Manly P. Hall also said,
"No truer religion exists than that of world comradeship and
Just as
Satan claimed that man could become "godlike" through
knowledge, Luciferians teach that you can become a god. Albert Pike
said, "Whosoever aids the march of Truth...writes in the same
line with Moses, and him who died upon the cross; and has an
intellectual sympathy with the Deity himself."
Luciferians, Masons basically believe that knowledge will turn you
into a god and therefore place you above all religion. In effect, you
no longer have to follow any god, because you will be a god and can
then make up your own idea of morality. Satanists also believe you
can define your own morality.
Manly P.
Hall said, "Freed of limitations of creed and sect, he [the
Mason] stands master of all faiths."
The Bible
leaves little room to doubt that Lucifer and Satan are the same
14:12-15 "How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of
Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations
low! You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to heaven; above the
stars of God."
The Bible
also says that Satan pretends that he is still Lucifer, or and angel
of light; i.e. Lucifer.
even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is
not surprising that his servants also disguise themselves as servants
of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their deeds."
also teach that Masons are misleading their initiates. "Therefore
if you find any truth in the Bible, the Mason says, 'that's Masonry.'
If a Muslim expounds upon the science of Al-Islam, that science is
called 'Masonry.' Some Masonic writers have [gone] as far as to say
Adam was a Mason because the Bible says he covered his private area
with leaves which represents the 'Masonic Apron.' Such claims are
made by those who want to make the uninitiated think that the 'wisdom
of the ages' can only be found in Masonry."
The Bible
clearly teaches that wisdom that comes from man is not to be sought
after. Solomon who was the wisest man ever born fell from God's
grace. This happened because he sought the teachings of other
religions and was led astray because of them.
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