Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Scottish Rite Masonry and Religion--Pt.3

What exactly is this ultimate plan and ulterior motive behind this recruitment of members? 

All the way back to ancient Greece, the plan was to overthrow Democracy. William T. Still recounts an event that he calls the "Mystery Scandal" that took place in Athens. He says that the members of the cult of Isis wanted to overthrow the Athenian Democracy. In order to ensure that the members of their group would maintain secrecy, they all had to participate in a crime. They went out together at night and mutilated the genitals of sculptures in the city. They reasoned that no one would tell on the others because they would be implicating themselves if they did. This is very similar to the "code of silence" maintained by modern day gang and Mob members.

Although our country was set up as a Democratic Republic, the Masons believe that the original plan for a New World Order came from Atlantis. They believe that like the alchemical principal of distillation, those who are admitted to the upper degrees of Masonry by a gradual weeding out of inferior members. They also belief that Masonic teachings have been refined from all of the mystery schools that came down from the ancient world.

"Even in ancient times, scholars bound themselves with 'mystic ties' into a worldwide fraternity, drawing candidates from all the Mystery Schools, the Masons, the Rosicrucians, the Kabbalists (Jewish Mystery School tradition, and others. These 'priest-philosophers' from Egypt, Greece, India, China, and the rest of the ancient world were formed into a sovereign body to instruct and advise their leaders."

"The explorers who opened the New World operated from a master plan and were agents of re-discovery rather than discoverers."

"Time will reveal that the continent now known as America was actually discovered, and to a considerable degree, explored more than a thousand years before the beginning of the Christian era. The true story was in the keeping of the Mystery Schools; and passed from them to the Secret Societies of the Medieval world. The Essoteric Orders of Europe, Asia, and the Near East were in at least irregular communication with the priesthoods of the more advanced Amerindian nations. Plans for the development of the Western Hemisphere, were formulated in Alexandria, Mecca, Delhi, and Lhasa [in Tibet] long before most European statesmen were aware of the great Utopian program."

"The bold resolution was made that this western continent should become the site of the philosophic empire. Just when this was done it is impossible now to say, but certainly the decision was reached prior to the time of Plato, for a thinly veiled statement of this resolution is the substance of his treatise of the Atlantic Islands."
---Manly P. Hall

Contrary to what some people believe, their aim was not to establish a Democratic nation, although that was a necessary step in their plan. Their goal was to establish a universal government, under the guise of Democracy.

"The mechanism for the accomplishment of this idea was set in motion in the ancient temples of Greece, Egypt, and India. So brilliant was the plan and so well was it administrated that it survived to our time, and it will continue to function until the great work is accomplished."

The idea of a New World Order sounds good, but they don't intend for those of us who are not part of their elite membership to belong to it.

"Wise men, the ancients believed, were a separate race, and to be born into this race it was necessary to develop the mind to a state of enlightened intelligence. The old philosophers taught that physical birth is by accident, for men are born into various races and nationalities according to the laws of generation; but there is a second birth, which is not an accident; it is the consequence of a proper intent. By this second birth, man is born by enlightened intelligence out of nation and out of race into an international nation and and international race. It is this larger and coming race that will someday inherit the earth. But unless a man be born again by enlightenment, he shall not be a part of the philosophic empire."

Despite the fact that they say it does not matter what race or nation you come from, some of them do consider your bloodline to be important. You can look into the trends of modern society and see that there is a movement toward a mixing of races and societies. In order to establish a One World Community, it is necessary to first cause people to give up the racial and national identities which have historically separated men. It would be wise to consider the Biblical account of the Tower of Babel, in which God established different races and nations in order to inhibit organized evil. That does not mean any one race should consider itself superior.

In Atlantean legends written about by Manly P. Hall, there were ten kings. Seven of them ruled over the continent of Atlantis. The remaining three, ruled Europe, Asia, and Africa. The evil that caused Atlantis to be destroyed was the decision made by the seven Atlantean kings to go to war with the other three kings. Despite this, Hall believed the Atlantean system to be the ideal.

"The league of ten kings is the cooperated commonwealth of mankind, the natural and proper form of human government. The Atlantis [legend], therefore, is the archetype of the pattern of government, which existed in ancient days but was destroyed by the selfishness and ignorance of men."

Sir Francis Bacon wrote his New Atlantis in the 1600's. He wrote about a Utopia that would be established across the Atlantic, which was inspired by Atlantis.

There have been many things written about and theorized concerning Francis Bacon. He was rumored to be the son of Queen Elizabeth I and Lord Robert Dudly. He developed secret methods of communication used by Columbus, which are called "Baconian ciphers." Interestingly, Columbus was married to a daughter (Felipa Perestrello) of a Knight Templar. After their suppression, the Templars in Spain were calling themselves, Knights of Christ. Supposedly, these new connections were the source of his information on the New World, which was his true destination. There is something to that. Would Columbus really have expected to impress Indian Rajahs with the trinkets and mirrors he is said to have taken on the voyage with him? Masons claim that some of their teachings are passed down from the Templars.

Manly P. Hall clearly believed that Bacon was a Mason and a Rosicrucian. Referring to Bacon's book he said, "On the title page is a curious design. It shows the figure of an ancient creature representing Time drawing a female figure from a dark cavern. The meaning is obvious. Through time, the hidden truth shall be revealed. This figure is one of the most famous of the seals or symbols of the Order of the Quest. Contained within it is the whole promise of the resurrection of man, and the restitution of divine theology."

"Perpetuation of the great plan was secured by secret tradition among an inner group of Initiates unknown to the outer Order at large, and patterned...in Bacon's 'New Atlantis.' This inner group counts a small number of members in the countries of the Western Hemisphere. They have kept the lamp of the Muse burning during the last three hundred years."
---Marie Bauer Hall

Obviously they believe that certain people were planning on the settling of America hundreds of years before it came about. Manly Hall said that there would be a "restitution of divine theology." Inherent in that statement is the idea that none of the existing religions are divinely established. 

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