How are so
many people deceived by Masonry and why do they seek it out in the
first place?
People want to be accepted and beyond that to feel special. Masonry uses secrecy to draw these people in. Their vanity is stoked because they are chosen to be a member of a group that others are not admitted to. Then they use symbols and analogy to indoctrinate them.
People want to be accepted and beyond that to feel special. Masonry uses secrecy to draw these people in. Their vanity is stoked because they are chosen to be a member of a group that others are not admitted to. Then they use symbols and analogy to indoctrinate them.
You know
that apples and oranges are not the same thing. But if you are told
persistently that an orange is just another symbol which represents
the apple, you might begin to look at apples and oranges in a
different light. Suppose you originally had a preference for apples.
You could be deceived to believe that it made no difference which one
you ate if not that they were one and the same. Over a period of
time, you could be convinced that oranges were preferable.
teaching methods used by Masons teach those who have a particular
faith that it is the same as Masonry. Masonry also teaches those that
have no particular belief that they should have one. Then gradually a
man's beliefs are replaced by Luciferianism. Sometimes the man still
believes that he has retained his original faith, but has now gained
a greater understanding of it through Masonry, because Masonry claims
to teach things that God doesn't set down for all Christians, Muslims
or Jews. This knowledge is only for a select few.
following is some of what Masonic writers themselves say about their
of limitations of creed and sect he [the Mason] stands master of all
faiths. not a creed or doctrine but a universal
expression of Divine Wisdom...a very secret and sacred philosophy
that has existed for all time, and has been the inspiration of the
great saints and sages of all ages; i.e., the perfect wisdom of God,
revealing itself through a secret hierarchy of illumined minds."
---Manly P.
between the lines, Hall was saying several troubling things. First he
is saying, Masonry is above and superior to all faiths. Despite the
fact that the larger religions believe they are divinely inspired,
Masons believe that for some reason they are in possession of wisdom
that has existed since the beginning of the world. The problem with
that is it makes it necessary to believe that God still found it
necessary to establish religion for the rest of us that they [Masons]
do not have to follow. This would mean he has a preference for them.
But the Bible says, God is not a respecter of persons.
You would
also have to believe that God expects us to behave in a certain way,
but hid the rules among the Masons or that God is afraid that we
really can become gods and that is why he hid the knowledge from us.
It really doesn't matter whether we are speaking of the
Judeo-Christian God, who the Muslims call Allah or if we are
referring to their god, Lucifer; because apparently, Lucifer doesn't
want too many of us becoming gods either, or he is aware that it is a
deception and knows that if too many people are privy to the secrets,
the deception will come to light.
Whether or
not you believe that Lucifer or Yahweh is the superior god, it is not
logical to believe that he is the all knowing creator of the
universe, which requires an orderly system, and then to think that he
wants the majority of the world to be mislead as to what truth
actually is.
thing that Hall is saying is that all other religions of the world
are based on Masonry. This contradicts another Masonic writer, Colin
F.W. Dyer, who says that Masonry takes its traditions from other
religions. "There is one fact which must always be borne in time passes, men...weave new legends round old customs, or
import them from another school of belief. This tendency can be
traced in Masonry in many ways. More than one meaning lies hidden in
our silent emblems, and the ostensible explanation given in the
ceremony is usually neither the original nor the most profound
meaning attached to it."
Albert Pike
also claimed that Masonic teachings are superior to Christianity. If
this were true, why would they encourage Christians to study the
Bible, believing it to be inferior?
taught the doctrine of fraternity; but repudiated that of political
equality, by continually inculcating obedience to Caesar, and to
those lawfully in authority. Masonry was the first apostle of
actuality, Christians are told to obey Caesar in some things and God
in others, because we are not supposed to be making worldly things
our priority. Christians are told to follow their conscience when
they which to obey, God or government. The Bible also teaches that
God does not hold one man more important than another and that men
who under the government of other men, are still their equals. God
does not determine equality by worldly means.
Why do so
many men, who believe themselves to be faithful adherents of their
religion, join an organization that believes it's teachings are
superior to religion? Some understanding of this can be found in
their writings.
Colin F. W.
Dyer wrote, "It is possible to give a Christian interpretation
to the whole of Craft Masonry, including all its symbols,...and no
one can deny the correctness of that interpretation. But before
Christianity existed systems similar to our own were known and
venerated, and some of their symbolism and teaching has undoubtedly
linked up with Freemasonry. It is therefore natural that a
non-Christian interpretation should also exist, and be just as
He also
said, "The First Degree of Masonry teaches [the candidate] that
his actions must be squared by the precepts contained in the Holy
Bible, the constant study of which is strongly recommended."
Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part
of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is
intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended
that he shall understand them, but it is intended that he shall
imagine he understands them. Their true explanation is reserved for
the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry."
Masons want recruits that have already exhibited a tendency toward
higher morals, not because they support those morals, but because in
order to adopt these morals, those men have to be intelligent,
ingenious persons. They also had to have been willing to allow
themselves to be led at some point in their life in order to adopt
those morals. They want to belong and are not unsociable loners who
have any tendency toward individualism. They recruit followers. They
would not like a Mark Twain, who said, "I would not belong to
any organization that have me as a member."
Unless you
were diligently resistant to being led astray, if you were willing to
be led to a moral life, you could easily be led to change your
course. This is why it is generally better to seek out truth on your
own and develop an understanding of it on your own rather than have
it brought to to you. You don't have to contend with the possible
ulterior motives of the messenger that way.
Once they
have recruited the sort of man that they look for, they consider then
a resource that can be drawn upon for the accomplishment of their
ultimate goals.
the whole extent and origin of the plan was known only to an initiate
few, members of the outer order were subjected to a selective system
by which they could attain to numerous degrees and proportionately
receive deeper insight into the work. This in turn spurred them to a
greater effort and endeavor in their various occupations and stations
in life, and made them useful instruments."
Bauer Hall
or Satanism In English Freemasonry:
An Essay,
by L. Fouquet, O.M.I. 1898
J. Hogg, 13 Paternoster Row, London, published in 1888, the third
edition of what we call a BLUE tract for Masonic propogandism. It
clearly points out the distinction between the esoteric and exoteric
doctrines of the Craft. Under the heading "Symbolical Teaching
and Secret Doctrines of Freemasonry", it says as follows:--"The
members of the Craft WHO CAN DISCERN the "secret meaningof the
symbolical teaching of the Lodge, need not be told that when we
assert Masonry to be a science embracing things human and divine, we
simply state an indisputable fact, gladly as we would prove it to
other members, yet in these pages addressed to the general reader as
well, we dare not do so;
but this we
will say that to understand THE DEEPEST SECRETS OF NATURE,the only
was is to search the meaning HIDDEN under Masonic symbols, the
ESOTERIC DOCTRINES of Masonic teaching. The JEWELS are significant of
IMPORTANT VERITIES, its SIGNS are pertinent monitions and the
affectionate expression of fraternal solicitude; its PASSWORDS are
carefully selected words conveying to those WHO COMPREHEND THEM much
of valuable thought and of wisdom derived from ancient times. Its
badges are implements of industry. A few explanations will make the
matter more clear. What follows may be termed EXOTERIC teaching,but
there lies in it a FAR DEEPER ESOTERIC meaning."
SQUARE is an emblem of our duty to God and man indicated by the two
limbs, the greater and the lesser. It teaches duty by reminding us
that all our actions should be guided by the strict rules of
COMPASS as the implement by which we describe a circle which is
confined within the boundary of its circumference, reminds us we
should at all times keep our desires within due "bounds".
the SQUARE and COMPASS are also emblematical of themathematical
sciences and useful arts."
great Masonic work by 80 Luminaries of the craft gives it clearly
enough[the esoteric meanings]where they speak of the Divine plan:--
of Reason and Virtue, Monad; COMPASS of Mercy and Faith, Duad, The
junction of the Monad with the Duad constitutes UNION, and GENERATION
This is
obviously meaning that there is a phallic symbolism to the square and
compass, and fertility symbolism as well.
"The G
so conspicuously prominent in the Temples of the Great Architect of
the Universe, means God to the eyes of the Christians who are Masons,
and Geometry to the more advanced craftsmen who do not care in what
sort of a God they believe. The Regius M.S. in the Royal Library
British Museum (No. 17 AI) is a very ancient Constitution of the
English Freemasonry; it tells them": "At these Lords'
prayer they counterfeited Geometry,And gave it the name of
Masonry,For the most honest craft of all."
"The G
which the Freemasons place in the center of the Blazing Star
signifies Gnosis or Generation, the two sacred words of the Ancient
Kabala. It also means the Great Architect, for the Pentagram (Blazing
Star) on whatever side we view it represents an A. (See ch. SVI)"
Masonic Eagle is also double faced, double headed.
modern Luminaries of the English craft teach the same double faced
survey or observation of Nature, shows us that all objects within our
immediate knowledge belong to one or other of the three natural
kingdoms--mineral, vegetable, animal."
in the beginning by the fiat of the Great Creator matter was called
to existence, the elements of these three kingdoms were CREATED or
existed FROM ALL ETERNITY. Man belongs to the animal kingdom."
This is
basically saying that Masons can choose whether to believe God
created the Universe or to believe that the Universe always existed,
and since it did not need to be created, then God is not necessary.
majority of the Christian word is familiar with the initials I.N.R.I.
We know that it stands for Jesus Nazareus Rex Judeoru, Jesu of
Nazareth King of the Jews. But Masons teach it as Igni Natura
Renovatur Integra--By fire Nature is Renewed in its integrity. This
regenerating fire is also Phallic symbolism.
History, VOL. I, page 25:
those authors who attempt to prove that all secret fraternities from
but the successive links of an unbroken chain, it is alleged that the
ESOTERIC doctrines which in Egypt, in Persia, and in Greece,
preserved the speculations of the wise from the ears and tongues of
an ILLITERATE Multitude,passed, with slight modification, into the
possession of the early Christian heretics; from the Gnostic schools
of Syria and Egypt to their successors, the Manicheans, and that from
these through the Paulicans,
and Templars they have been bequeathed to the modern Freemasons."
was the earliest attempt to construct a philosophical system of
faith. It was a speculative system, and excercised little influence
upon the masses of the people. The Gnostics were imperceptibly
divided into more than fifty particularsects, of whom the most
celebrated appear to have been the Basildeans, the Valentinians, the
Marcionites,and, in a still later period, the Manicheans--Gnosticism
was an attempt to solve the great problems of theology by combining
the elements of Pagan Mysticism with the Jewish and Christian
the fact that many genuine Gnostic symbols have come down to us, or
reappear in speculative Masonry, it has been contended, that whereas
Gnosis, in its last and greater manifestation, the Composite Religion
of Manes, absorbed within itself the relics of the Mithraic faith, so
in turn the Manichean Talismans and Amulets have kept an unbroken
existence through the sectaries of the Lebanon, the Soofees of
Persia, the Templars, and the Brethren of the Rosy Cross. Von Hammer
lends the weight of his authority in support of the Templar link;
which however, he believes to have been forged at a very early period
of the Gnostic heresy, and that it connected the Soldiers of the
Cross with the 'OPHITES, and not the MANACHEANS,their far later
to Mackey, an instance of the TRANSMUTATION of Gnostic Talismans into
Masonic symbols, by a gradual transmission through Alchemy,
Rosicrucianism and Medieval Architechture, is afforded by a Plate in
the"AZOTH PHILOSOPHORUM of Basil Valentine, the Hermetic
Philosopher, who flourished in the seventeenth century.This Plate,
which is Hermetic in its design, but is full of Masonic symbolism,
represents a winged globe inscribed with a triangle within a square
and on it reposes a dragon. On the latter stands a human figure of
two hands and two heads surrounded by the sun, moon, five stars,
representing the seven planets. One of the heads is that of a male,
the other of a female. The hands attached to the male part of the
figure hold THE COMPASSES, that to a female a SQUARE. The Square and
Compasses thus distributed appear to have convinced Dr. Mackey that
originally a PHALLIC meaning was attached to these symbols, as there
was to the point within the circle, which in this Plate also appears
in the centre of the globe. "The Compasses held by the male
figure would represent the male generative principle, and the Square
held by the female, the female
principle. The subsequent interpretation given to the combined Square
and Compasses was the transmutation from the Hermetic Talisman to the
Masonic Symbol."
R.F. Gould,
History V.II, p. 67
proscription of the old pagan cultus and the bitter and continual
persecution of all professors of secret and magical arts, which took
place in the reign of the INFAMOUS Emperor Constantine, and was
continued by Valentinian, Theodosius, and other shining lights of
imperial Christianity, did not eradicate polytheism or destroy the
adepts. The old religion and the old theurgic art took refuge in
remote places; they were practised in stealth and in silence, and
thus were presumably originated many of those mysterious secret
societies which perpetuated the traditions of the Magi through the
whole period of the Middle Ages,and in numerous magical rituals
betray their connection with Neo-Platonism."
proscription of the magic and paganism was eventually followed by the
proscription and persecution of the Jews, who, in like manner, were
reduced to practice their religious rites in secret, and whose
Oriental vindictiveness was frequently roused to frenzy by their
intolerable sufferings and humiliations. Professors of Kabbalistic
arts, firm believers in the virtues of invocations and verbal
formulae, and addicted from time immemorial to every species of
superstitious practices,
directed their mystic machinery to do injury totheir enemies, and the
infernal magic of the Middle Ages,with its profanation of Christian
mysteries, ITS BLACK MASSES and impious invocations, is, in part at
least, their creation."
Medieval occultism was essentially of a composite character. It
borrowed, on the one hand,
from the
Rabbinical wisdom of Israel, and on the other,from Pagan sources.The
crusades made it subject to Arabic influence, which was definitely
increased by the spread of alchemical notions from east to west,
while from the debris of every vanished cultus which in barbaric
times had ever flourished among the Teutonic and Celtic nations was
built up the mythology of "nature spirits, the elfin world, and
the strange doctrines concerning elementary intelligences."
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